针对企业需要 组织好专业活动

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1983年11月,中国石化总公司设备管理协会成立后,我们十分注意结合企业工作实际需要组织开展专业活动,主动配合行政部门开展工作,用工作的成绩和效果来显示协会的潜力和作用。从几年来的实际情况看,机动部门的许多具体工作都是通过协会开展的。协会的许多活动又都是由行政管理和技术干部参与和推动的。近几年,我们有意识地把每年机动处的一些工作安排到协会的各个专业组,再由各专业组安排活动计划。 由于协会的积极配合,不仅有力地保证了行政工作的开展落实,而且使人们越来越体会到协会是行政部门离不开的有力助手。 为了深入细致地开展好协会工作,我们针对石化企业生产和设备管理特点,本着专业化协作原则,成立了现代化设备管理、设备防腐、压力容器及管道、状态监测、转动机械、带压堵漏、密封技术、检维修技术、电气、电站、保温保冷和工业水技术等12个专业组。随 In November 1983, after the establishment of the Equipment Management Association of China National Petrochemical Corporation, we took great care to organize professional activities in combination with the actual needs of corporate work, actively cooperate with the administrative departments to carry out the work, and use the results and results of the work to show the potential and role of the association. From the actual situation over the past few years, many specific tasks of the mobile sector have been carried out through associations. Many of the association’s activities are also attended and promoted by administrative management and technical cadres. In recent years, we have consciously arranged some of the work of the annual mobile agency to various professional groups of the association, and then arranged the activity plan by each professional group. Thanks to the active cooperation of the association, it not only effectively guaranteed the implementation of the administrative work, but also made people realize more and more that the association is a powerful assistant that cannot be separated from the executive branch. In order to carry out the work of the association in an in-depth and detailed manner, we have established a modern equipment management, equipment anti-corrosion, pressure vessels and pipelines, condition monitoring, rotating machinery, and pressure plugging in accordance with the characteristics of petrochemical production and equipment management. , sealing technology, inspection and maintenance technology, electrical, power station, insulation and cooling and industrial water technology and other 12 professional groups. With
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