A Study on the Kinetics of the Catalytic Reforming Reaction of CH4 with CO2: Determination of the Re

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w998998
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The kinetics of the catalytic reforming reaction of methane with carbon dioxide to produce synthesis gas on a Ni/a-Al2O3 and a HSD-2 type commercial catalyst has been studied. The results indicate that the reaction orders are one and zero for methane and carbon dioxide, respectively, when the carbon dioxide partial pressure was about 12.5-30.0 kPa and the temperature was at 1123-1173 K. However, when the carbon dioxide partial pressure was changed to 30.0-45.0 kPa under the same temperature range of 1123-1173 K, the reaction orders of methane and carbon dioxide are one. Furthermore, average rate constants at different temperatures were determined. The kinetics of the catalytic reforming reaction of methane with carbon dioxide to produce synthesis gas on a Ni / a-Al2O3 and a HSD-2 type commercial catalyst has been studied. The results indicate that the reaction orders are one and zero for methane and carbon dioxide, respectively, when the carbon dioxide partial pressure was about 12.5-30.0 kPa and the temperature was at 1123-1173 K. However, when the carbon dioxide partial pressure was changed to 30.0-45.0 kPa under the same temperature range of 1123-1173 K, the reaction orders of methane and carbon dioxide are one.
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