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此单元的演讲嘉宾为国家知识产权局协调管理司副司长曾武宗,最高人民法院民三庭副庭长孔祥俊,商务部条法司知识产权法律处处长陈福利,深圳市注册资产评估师协会秘书长王毅。他们分别从政策层面、知识产权海外经营、司法实践及评估服务多角度发表演讲,介绍了关于知识产权保护与资产评估方面宝贵的经验及成果,对知识产权战略的实施具有很大的推动作用。孔祥俊副庭长在题为“知识产权侵权与损害赔偿”的演讲中,介绍了目前在知识产权侵权与损害赔偿中遵循的一些原则、发展的趋势及存在的一些问题,并希望能得到相关部门和行业的支持。陈福利处长在“企业知识产权海外经营”的演讲中,结合自己的工作实际,简要介绍了在“走出去”过程中遇到的知识产权问题、知识产权纠纷问题,并希望得到相关部门和机构的支持,最后他还介绍了目前国家在稳步推进企业知识产权海外维权机制的建设情况。王毅秘书长在题为“知识产权侵权损害赔偿评估研究”演讲中,从评估的角度对损害赔偿的相关问题进行了探讨。介绍了知识产权侵权损害赔偿的计算方法,对知识产权侵权损害赔偿评估和企业价值评估的异同进行了详细的比较,对损失赔偿计量标准作了初步探讨。他认为,评估师要成为一名损害赔偿评估专家,不仅需要扎实的企业价值评估功底和理论修养,同时还需通晓经济、统计、市场营销、财务会计及知识产权法等方面的知识。 Mr. Zeng Wuzong, Deputy Director General of Coordination and Management Division of State Intellectual Property Office, Mr. Kong Xiangjun, Vice-President of Tribunal of Ministers of the People’s Court, Mr. Chen Fuli, Director of Intellectual Property Law Department of the Department of Bar Law, Ministry of Commerce, Shenzhen Association of Registered Assets Appraisers Secretary-General Wang Yi. They respectively delivered speeches at the policy level, overseas operation of intellectual property, judicial practice and assessment services. They introduced valuable experiences and achievements on intellectual property protection and asset valuation and played a significant role in promoting the implementation of the IP strategy. In his speech titled “Infringement and Damage Compensation of Intellectual Property Rights”, Vice President Kong Xiangjun introduced some current principles, development trends and some existing problems in the infringement and damages of intellectual property rights and hoped to obtain Relevant departments and industry support. In his speech “Overseas Operation of Enterprise Intellectual Property Rights”, Director Chen Fuli briefly introduced the intellectual property issues and intellectual property disputes encountered in the process of “going global ” according to his own work practice and hoped He got the support of relevant departments and agencies. At last, he also introduced the current situation of the state in steadily advancing the mechanism of safeguarding the rights of enterprises in overseas intellectual property rights. In his speech entitled “Research on Assessment of Damages in Intellectual Property Infringement”, Secretary-General Wang Yi discussed the related issues of damages from the perspective of assessment. The calculation method of compensation for infringement of intellectual property right is introduced. The similarities and differences between the compensation for damages of intellectual property infringement and the evaluation of enterprise value are compared in detail, and the measurement standard of compensation for damages is preliminarily discussed. In his opinion, an appraiser who wants to become a specialist in damages assessment needs not only solid corporate valuation and theoretical training, but also knowledge of economics, statistics, marketing, financial accounting and intellectual property law.
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