
来源 :警察实战训练研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gyl720909
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百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。提高公安院校办学质量的关键在师资,没有一支高素质的师资队伍,就不可能有高质量的公安教育。建设一支来自实战、专兼结合、能战会教的教官队伍,既是公安人才培养实现之本,也是公安教育改革发展之源。2002年3月,上海公安高等专科学校借鉴世界发达国家警察教育的通用做法,在全国公安院校中率先建立、推行了教官制,为打造一支适应公安院校教育教学改革需要、具有公安特色的“双师”结构教学团队,提供了有力的制度保障。 A hundred years, education-based; education plan, teacher-oriented. The key to improving the quality of public security colleges and universities is in the teaching staff. Without a highly qualified teaching staff, it is impossible to have a high-quality public security education. The construction of a contingent of instructors from the actual combat, the combination of specialization and integration, and the ability to fight against the evil will not only be the basis for the cultivation of public security personnel, but also the source of reform and development in public security education. In March 2002, Shanghai Public Security College borrowed from the common practice of police education in the developed countries in the world and took the lead in setting up and implementing the instructor system in public security colleges in the whole country. In order to create a police education reform that meets the requirements of public security colleges and universities, it has the characteristics of public security “Double division ” structure teaching team, provides a strong system of protection.
世界反兴奋剂组织(World Anti-DopingAgency)规定兴奋剂检测的生物样本是尿样和血样。尿样和血样存在尿样收集的隐私性、易被稀释或替换、检测时限短、不易保存、外源与内源
第Ⅰ卷(选择题共45分)一、(18分 ,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字的读音 ,全都不相同的一组是()A.机杼· 抒· 情舒· 服预· 测毁家纾· 难B.倩· 影靛· 青菁· 华靓· 仔清· 规戒律C.怡·
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