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教育创新功在当代、利在千秋。本文围绕创新教育背景下地方高职院校教育管理展开讨论和分析,认为着眼于创新教育实施,当前地方高职院校教育管理存在的问题有三个,首先是理念落后,第二是措施失当,第三是缺乏实操。本文同时认为,针对当前存在的问题,创新教育背景下地方高职院校教育管理应该秉持三个理念,首先是更新理念,第二是创新方法,第三是重视实践。本文意在通过有益的探索和讨论,为推进创新教育背景下地方高职院教育管理做出应有的贡献。 Education innovation in the contemporary, beneficial future generations. This paper discusses and analyzes the education management of local higher vocational colleges under the background of innovation education. It considers that focusing on the implementation of innovation education, there are three problems in the current education management of local higher vocational colleges. The first is the backward idea, the second is the misconduct, The third is the lack of practical operation. In the meantime, according to the existing problems, under the background of innovation education, the education management of local higher vocational colleges should uphold three concepts, first of all, to update the idea, secondly to innovate the method, and third to practice. This article is intended to make due contributions to the education management of local higher vocational colleges under the background of innovation education through useful exploration and discussion.
工作过程系统化课程开发研究是职业教育中比较有效的课程设置和开发途径。以旅游服务与管理专业教学为例,具体说明了专业核心课程的设置和课程学习内容的确定。 Work proces
<正>Wie merkwrdig ist die Situation von uns Erdenkindern!Fr einen kurzen Besuchist jeder da.Er weiβnicht wofr,aber manchmal glaubt er,es zu fhlen.Vom S
先讲个故事:二战后期,美国空军展开了对德国和日本法西斯的大规模战略轰炸。然而,战斗机返回时往往弹痕累累,损失惨重。空军当局因此下决心在飞机上焊防弹钢板以 First tell
目的采用黑曲霉Aspergillus niger ZJUT302产生的β-葡萄糖苷酶水解牛蒡子水提液中的牛蒡子苷,提高牛蒡子苷元的量。方法 A.niger ZJUT302在培养基成分为稻草粉50 g/L、麦麸1