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常用的食用菌营养液添加方法有三种:喷施、浸施和灌穴。喷施用于子实体大量出现时期,喷时注意喷头向上不要对着子实体。同时注意四不喷:幼小菇蕾不喷,以免“肿死”。刚采过菇或有菇残体处不喷,以免招致细菌性病害。空气湿度过大不喷。菇棚(房)内病虫害严重时不喷。浸施,主要用于袋栽或块栽的方式。若栽培袋(块)呈严重缺水状态,把袋或块放在配好的营养液中浸泡,直至恢复原重为止。运用浸泡的方法添加营养液,只需将营养液倒入缸中或水池中,放在袋(块)后加上重物即可。但浸泡的时间不宜太长,若失水过多,可以分几次浸泡。灌穴主要用于菌床上。当菌床出菇多,养分消耗过大时采用。方法是将菌床土扒开,把漏斗插入料面内,灌入营养液4至7毫升,穴距10厘米,加液后覆土。添加的营养液,浓度要适当。浓度过高,不仅菌 Commonly used edible fungus nutrient solution to add three ways: spraying, soaking and irrigation points. Spraying for a large number of fruiting bodies appear during the spray nozzle upward attention Do not confront the child entity. At the same time pay attention to four do not spray: young mushroom bud is not spray, lest “swollen dead ”. Just adopted mushrooms or mushroom residue at the Department does not spray, so as not to incur bacterial diseases. Air humidity is too large not spray. Gupeng (room) when the pests and diseases are not serious spray. Impregnation, mainly for bags planted or planted way. If the cultivation bag (block) was a serious shortage of water, the bag or block with a good nutrient solution soak until it restores the original weight so far. Use immersion method to add nutrient solution, just nutrient solution into the cylinder or pool, on the bag (block) plus heavy objects can be. But the soaking time should not be too long, if too much water loss, you can sub-soaked several times. Irrigation is mainly used for bacteria bed. When mushroom bed fruiting, nutrient consumption is too large when used. The method is to grind the bacteria bed soil, the funnel into the material surface, pouring nutrient solution 4 to 7 ml, hole distance of 10 cm, add liquid Tucao. Add nutrient solution, the concentration should be appropriate. Concentration is too high, not only bacteria
1 技术要点1.1 培育壮苗适时移栽 ,移栽时间父本适当提早10~ 15d(天 )左右。1.2 甜椒开花授粉最适宜的温度为 2 0~ 2 2℃ ,高于 2 8℃就不易坐果。一般在 5月上旬开始制种。
  This presentation describes the environmental health problem of exposure to diesel particulates in an underground mine. It contains recommendations for inn