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党的第十三次全国代表大会把发展科学技术放到我国经济发展战略的首要位置。经济、政治体制改革的发展也对科技体制改革提出了新的要求。当前,科技体制改革必须从社会主义初级阶段的实际出发,适应有计划商品经济的需要,发挥科技优势,以发展生产力为目标,进一步建立科技与经济紧密结合的机制,促进传统产业技术改造和新技术、高技术产业的形成,提高我国科学技术水平,推动经济和社会发展。要在继续贯彻执行已公布的各项改革措施的同时,以积极推行各种形式的承包经营责任制为重点,进一步加快和深化科技体制改革。为此,特作如下决定: The 13th National Congress of the Party places the development of science and technology at the top of China's economic development strategy. The development of economy and political system reform has also set new demands on the reform of the scientific and technological system. At present, the reform of science and technology system must proceed from the reality of the initial stage of socialism, meet the needs of a planned commodity economy, give full play to its advantages in science and technology and take the development of productive forces as the goal, and further establish a mechanism of closely integrating science and technology with the economy so as to promote the technological transformation of traditional industries and new Technology and high-tech industries, improve our science and technology level, and promote economic and social development. While continuing to implement the announced reform measures, we will focus on the active promotion of various forms of the responsibility system for contractual management and further accelerate and deepen the reform of the science and technology system. To this end, special make the following decision:
一直以来,有这样一种声音回荡在我耳畔,鼓舞我前行,温暖我受挫后伤痛的心——“我相信你!”漫漫求学路上,记不清太多太多曾经熟悉的面孔,记不得太多太多真 All along, there
“正月梅花香又香,二月兰花盆里装。三月桃花红十里,四月蔷薇靠短墙。五月石榴红似火,六月荷花满池塘。七月栀子头上戴,八月桂花满树黄。九月菊花初开放,十月芙 ”The firs
1、有一长度s被分成几个相等部分,在每一部分的末端,质点的加速度增加詈,若质点以加速度a,由这一长度的始端从静止出发,求它通过这段距离后的速度。  (山西 祁永傻)
现将《赵修同志在吉林省依靠科技进步加速经济发展经验交流会上的讲话(记录稿)》,印发给你们,望认真传达贯彻。各企业及其主管部门要按讲话提出的要求,认真研究落实。 Now,
董事长最重要的职责:把现在和将来的事都看到 面对的最重要的关系:企业和社会的关系关于薪酬:现在来讲,确实不合理,但是也知足了,比上不足,比下有余 The chairman’s most i
互逆的格言中国有很多道德格言,人们习惯于用它们来规范自己。可假如我们留意一下,就会发现有一些格言是互逆的。如: Reciprocal aphorisms China has many moral maxims th