制定院科二级考核 推行职务管理奖

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我院在推行职务管理奖改革的实践中,坚持对工作实绩考核、分级计奖和加强基础配套管理三结合。在全院40名院科二级职务补贴的发放上,实行全方位的改革,取消固定的职务补贴,设立职务管理奖,取得了一定的成效。 一、制定院、科二级管理目标考核标准 在市卫生局对医院领导全年管理目标的基础上,针对医院的主要目标,分参加院周会(各工作例会)、科室管理、团结协调和医德医风四个方面,进行百分制考核。我院在推行职务管理奖改革的实践中,坚持对工作实绩考核、分级计奖和加强基础配套管理三结合。在全院40名院科二级职务补贴的发放上,实行全方位的改革,取消固定的职务补贴,设立职务管理奖,取得了一定的成效。 一、制定院、科二级管理目标考核标准 在市卫生局对医院领导全年管理目标的基础上,针对医院的主要目标,分参加院周会(各工作例会)、科室管理、团结协调和医德医风四个方面,进行百分制考核。 参加会议方面:规定凡应参加的会议每缺席一次扣2分(基本分定20分)。 科室管理:分制定计划,完成实绩,民主管理三点进行考核,定标准分20分,每少一项扣10分,扣完为止。特别是在民主管理奖金分配上,如有平均分配的,原则上不计分。 团结协调:分科室内部团结、服从院部管理、遵纪守法三点进行考核,定基本分30分,凡有? In the implementation of the reform of the duty management award, our institute adheres to the three-in-one combination of performance evaluation, graded awards and strengthening of basic support management. In the issuance of secondary subsidy for 40 academic departments in the hospital, all-round reforms have been implemented, fixed job subsidies have been removed, and job management awards have been established, which have achieved certain results. 1. Formulating assessment criteria for secondary and managerial goals in hospitals and departments On the basis of the city’s health bureau’s management goals for the hospital’s leadership for the whole year, the hospital’s main goals are to participate in the weekly meetings of the hospital (work regular meetings), department management, and unity and coordination. Medical ethics in four aspects, the percentage system assessment. In the implementation of the reform of the duty management award, our institute adheres to the three-in-one combination of performance evaluation, graded awards and strengthening of basic support management. In the issuance of secondary subsidy for 40 academic departments in the hospital, all-round reforms have been implemented, fixed job subsidies have been removed, and job management awards have been established, which have achieved certain results. 1. Formulating assessment criteria for secondary and managerial goals in hospitals and departments On the basis of the city’s health bureau’s management goals for the hospital’s leadership for the whole year, the hospital’s main goals are to participate in the weekly meetings of the hospital (work regular meetings), department management, and unity and coordination. Medical ethics in four aspects, the percentage system assessment. In terms of attending the meeting, it is stipulated that every meeting that should be attended shall be deducted 2 points for each absence (basis is divided into 20 points). Department management: divide the development plan, complete the actual performance, and conduct democratic assessments at three points. The standard is divided into 20 points, with each point deducting 10 points. In particular, in the distribution of democratic management bonuses, if there is an even distribution, no points are scored in principle. Unity and Coordination: The division of interior divisions of sub-sections, subject to the management of the Department of the Academy, and compliance with the law, will be assessed at three points. The basic score will be 30 points.
尊敬的各位领导、各位老师,亲爱的同学们:  下午好!  我是来自315班的甘诗恬。今天,非常荣幸能够作为学生代表站在这里。我想借这个难得的机会,跟大家说说心里话。2月26号,是高考百日誓师的前一天,朋友打电话跟我说:“哎,你知道吗,明天就是百日誓师了。”当时我刚结束完一场考试,坐在回去的地铁上,听到这句话,一下便愣住了。是啊!明明出去的时候还有两百多天,转眼就只剩一百天了!而现在,距离高考,竟只有
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