Localization and Dynamic Change of Saikosaponin in Root of Bupleurum chinense

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gr123abc
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Anatomical, histochemical and phytochemical methods were used to investigate the structure, the localization and content changes of total saikosaponin and saikosaponin-a of the roots of Bupleurum chinense DC. at different developmental stages. Results showed that saikosaponin was mainly distributed in pericycle and primary phloem in the young root; but in the mature root, it was mainly distributed in vascular cambium and secondary phloem. During the whole growth period from the pre-blossom, blossom, fruit, and fruit mature periods until the pre-withering period, it was in the fruit mature period that both the total saikosaponin content and the saikosaponin-a content reached the highest level. So the last 20 d of October was considered as the right collecting season for the drug of B. chinense. In addition, the quality of 1-year-old drug was better than that of 2-year-old drug due to its higher saikosaponin content. On the other hand, judging from the external characteristics of the drug, the one with an acerose taproot and more lateral roots was of better quality. The results offered theoretical bases for selecting medicinal material of high quality and determining the most appropriate harvesting stage and part of B. chinense. Anatomical, histochemical and phytochemical methods were used to investigate the structure, the localization and content changes of total saikosaponin and saikosaponin-a of the roots of Bupleurum chinense DC. At different developmental stages. Results showed that saikosaponin was mainly distributed in pericycle and primary phloem in the young root; but in the mature root, it was mainly distributed in vascular cambium and secondary phloem. during the whole growth period from the pre-blossom, blossom, fruit, and fruit mature periods until the pre-withering period, it was in the fruit mature period that both the total saikosaponin content and the saikosaponin-a content reached the highest level. So the last 20 d of October was considered as the right collecting season for the drug of B. chinense. In addition, the quality of 1-year-old drug was better than that of 2-year-old drug due to its higher saikosaponin content. On the other hand, judging from the external characteristics of the dru g, the one with an acerose taproot and more lateral roots was of better quality. The results of theoretical bases for selecting medicinal material of high quality and determining the most appropriate harvesting stage and part of B. chinense.
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