Delamination of lamellar phyllosilicate Magadiite

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingang89029
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In this paper,a new delaminated mesoporous material was prepared by swelling the lamellar phyllosilicate Magadiite using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and tetrapropylammonium hydroxide solution,followed by delamination under the cavitation of ultrasonic treatment.Various characterization tools including XRD,N2 adsorption,NMR,IR,SEM and TEM were employed to observe its structure and morphology.XRD results show that the delaminated material has no long-range crystalline order.Furthermore,not only high surface area is obtained,but almost half of it is external surface.The observation for the morphology further reveals that it is made up of the random stacking of single or few layers.All these characters show that this delaminated mesoporous material meets the requirements for application as support in the hydrotreatment of heavy molecules. In this paper, a new delaminated mesoporous material was prepared by swelling the lamellar phyllosilicate Magadiite using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and tetrapropylammonium hydroxide solution, followed by delamination under the cavitation of ultrasonic treatment. Variation characterization tools including XRD, N2 adsorption, NMR, IR, SEM and TEM were employed to observe its structure and morphology. XRD results show that the delaminated material has no long-range crystalline order. Morerther, not only high surface area is obtained, but almost half of it is external surface. The observation for the morphology further reveals that it is made up of the random stacking of single or few layers. All these characters show that this delaminated mesoporous material meets the requirements for application as support in the hydrotreatment of heavy molecules.
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