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杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县是个美丽的水乡泽国。著名的连环湖如同天上掉下来的几块明镜,在浩瀚无边的绿色草原上闪烁。湿地则如一块精美的翡翠,镶嵌在几块明镜的边上,闪烁着比连环湖更为耀眼的光芒。湿地具体位于扎龙自然保护区的腹地,是古朴的原生态湿地,也是目前亚洲已知仅有的两块原 Duerbote Mongolian Autonomous County is a beautiful water country. The famous lake as the sky fell a few pieces of the mirror, in the boundless green grassland flashes. Wetland is like a beautiful jade, mosaic in the edge of a few pieces of the mirror, shining more brilliant than the Lianhu Lake. The wetland is located in the hinterland of Zhalong Nature Reserve, which is a primitive ecological wetland and is also the only two original known in Asia
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