
来源 :四川党的建设(城市版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu395152417
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一九九三年,省委全面贯彻落实党的十四大和省第六次党代会精神,领导和动员全省共产党员和各族人民,从四川实际出发,加大改革开放力度,加快经济发展步伐,基本实现了预定的各项工作目标。国民经济在上年加快发展的基础上,继续保持了快速发展的好势头。预计全省国内生产总值增长12%。农业在大灾之年仍获得较好收成,粮食略有减产,农业总产值稳定增长,乡镇企业产值增长超过70%。在资金偏紧的情况下,乡及乡以上工业总产值比上年增长了18%以上。重点项目建设进展加 In 1993, the provincial party committee comprehensively implemented the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress and the 6th Party Congress, led and mobilized all party members and people of all ethnic groups in the province, proceeding from the actual conditions in Sichuan, intensifying the reform and opening up and speeding up the economy The pace of development, the basic realization of the scheduled work objectives. On the basis of accelerating the development of the previous year, the national economy continued its momentum of rapid development. It is estimated that the province’s GDP will grow by 12%. Agriculture still received better harvests in the catastrophe year, with a slight decrease in grain output, a steady increase in the total output value of agriculture and an increase in the output value of township and village enterprises of more than 70%. In the case of tight funds, the gross value of industrial output above township and township level increased by more than 18% over the previous year. Key project construction progress plus
多年来高科技成果转化为生产力一直比较困难,一些成果长期停留在论文、样品阶段。针对这一问题周建南同提出了7个方面的措施…… Over the years, the transformation of hi
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一、社会主义市场经济体制下科技工作面临的机遇与挑战 党的十四大确立了建立社会主义市场经济体制的目标,这一经济体制的建立,将为科技进步和科技与经济结合提供良好的体制