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  如今的网络热词可谓日新月异,层出不穷。两个月前,微博热词上从满屏的“DUANG DUANG DUANG”一夜间换成了“蓝黑+白金”。据闻那条裙子的照片是一名21岁的歌手凯特琳·麦克尼尔( Caitlin McNeill)发布的,她在接受电话采访时透露,那条裙子拍摄自她朋友的婚礼。有人认为照片里的裙子是“白金”,而有人却认为是“蓝黑”。同一个画面,甚至是同一个显示器,反差这么大,到底是你瞎还是我瞎?一时间,“白金党”与“蓝黑党”两大阵营在网上炸开了锅,而各路的解读看着头头是道,其实又让人雾里看花。本期《达人密码》中,让神经系统科学的博士比维尔医生来为我们解读其中的奥秘。
  Robert Siegel (Host): Let’s get to the dress that’s led to deep disagreements around the globe. Unfortunately, I am not 1)exaggerating. I’ve been hearing it all day in the newsroom, too.
  Unidentified Woman #1: It’s white and gold.
  Unidentified Woman #2: White and gold.
  Unidentified Woman #3: It’s definitely...
  Unidentified Man #1: It’s white and gold
  Unidentified Woman #3: ...It’s black and blue.
  Unidentified Man #2: It’s black and blue.
  Unidentified Woman #4: It’s obviously…
  Siegel: Yeah, For the record, I see white and gold. A woman posted a photo of a dress,the dress in question, on Tumblr. And she wanted help because she and her friends saw the colors of the dress differently. The dress was an Internet 2)phenomenon, pitting friend against friend, colleague against colleague, family member against family member. Why is it that people see the colors of the dress so differently? And here to settle this debate once and for all, we hope, is Dr. Bevil Conway, professor of 3)neuroscience at Wellesley College. Thanks for joining us.
  Bevil Conway: My pleasure.
  Siegel: So you’ve seen the picture of the dress. Is it white and gold, as I see it, or black and blue, as others do?
  Conway: Well, I represent the third 4)camp. I see it as orange and blue, which I think is probably the most accurate in terms of the representation of,in the digital image. If you look at the colors of each 5)pixel, they actually report as orange and blue.
  Siegel: Did you zoom way, way in on this to arrive at that conclusion?
  Conway: I—no. When I was contacted 6)initially about this, someone showed me the dress and said, “what color is it? ” And I said it’s orange and blue. And then we did the 7)diagnostics on the image to figure it out. But, of course, that doesn’t explain why so many people see it in so many different ways.
  Siegel: Yes. Why is it that one image can be seen so differently? The, you know, I think we all know the names of the colors here. This isn’t a matter of 8)colorblindness, is it? And we just see it differently.

  Conway: Yeah. I think that’s exactly right. So it’s got very little to do, if anything, with what’s happening in the eye itself. It’s got to do with how the brain that sits behind the eye is interpreting the signals that hit the 9)retina. And there are, you know, many, many 10)neurons—billions of neurons that are trying to interpret what hits the retina. And that interpretation is required because the 11)stimulus that hits the retina is 12)inherently 13)ambiguous. It could be lots of different things. And because of people’s particular prejudices about what they think they may see and because of the peculiar color combination, which is orange and blue, which sits on what we call the daylight 14)axis. It’s the colors of the naturally occurring 15)luminance. It sets the stage for a very ambiguous situation that some people are gonna interpret in one way and other people are gonna interpret, equally 16)validly actually, in another way.
  Siegel: Still, let the record show, orange is—I understand you see it that way, but that one’s off the charts here for us. But...
  Conway: (Laughter)
  Siegel: ...Would we all see the same colors if we saw the dress in person?
  Conway: So if you saw the dress in person, then you would have a lot more information. You could move around the dress. You would get much more information about how the lighting interacted not only with the dress, but with other objects in the environment. And I’ve been told the designer says it’s blue and black.
  Siegel: I think I’m on the concluding thought. I still want to say, funny, it doesn’t look 17)bluish.
  Conway: (Laughter)
  Siegel: Dr. Conway, thank you very much for talking with us about this.
  Conway: My absolute pleasure.


<正> 近年来发现的不典型甲亢有增多的趋势。因此,提高对甲亢类型的认识,有助于不典型甲亢的早期诊断。
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