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施立松在《民国风情三题·女同性恋》(《散文》2013年第8期)中,对民国时期两位女同性恋者刘梦莹、陶思瑾由爱生恨终酿悲剧一事深感遗憾,不由写道:“刘、陶二人性格差异很大,常为一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事吵闹不已。这期间陶思瑾又和一位女教师刘文如相恋。感情越深,妒情越浓。1932年2月6日晚,刘梦莹喋喋不 Shi Lisong deeply feels sorry for the two lesbian Liu Meng-ying and Tao Si-Jin during the Republic of China during the Republic of China’s Three Tragedies · lesbian (Prose, No. 8, 2013) : ”Liu, Tao two very different personalities, often for some trivial trivial noise during this period Tao Si Jin and a female teacher Liu Wenru fell in love with the deeper feelings of jealous ruthless. February 6, 1932 Late, Liu Mengying chatter is not
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On February 26th the National Devel-opment and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Environmental Protec-tion published a list of capacities and enterprises(p
In early February 2008 the Ministry of Science and Technology said China put more attention to supporting the research project for special engineering plastic
本文认为建设职业院校校内实训基地,应进行建设机制、实训装备、实训环境等方面的要素分析。 This paper argues that the construction of vocational training base withi
本文将快速傅氏变换与迭代Born近似方法相结合,推导出一种新的快速二维大地电磁正演计算方法,它具有计算时间短,占计算机内存少等优点。 In this paper, the fast Fourier tran