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  Magda: Hi everyone!
  Sarah & Olivia: Hi! Hello there!
  Magda: Could I have a coffee please, Tony?
  Tony: As usual?
  Magda: Yeah—oh, by the way, do you have any 1)champagne?
  Tony: Champagne? Not in this café, Magda...wrong place, sorry!
  Olivia: Did I hear you asking for champagne, Magda?
  Magda: Yes, you did!
  Sarah: What are you celebrating?
  Magda: Well, nothing yet.
  Olivia: Go on!
  Magda: The company I work for.
  Sarah: Your architect’s company?
  Magda: Yeah—we’ve been listed
  for a prize!
  Sarah: Hey—that’s great!
  Olivia: “Listed”? So you haven’t won the prize yet?
  Magda: No—but we’re in with a good chance!
  Sarah: When will you find out if you’ve won?
  Magda: Really soon—I’m expecting a phone call any minute!
  Sarah: Oh wow! How exciting!
  Olivia: Fingers crossed!
  Sarah: So, Olivia—tell me. How are things going with Fadi? Have you been out with him again?
  Olivia: (being 2)coy) Oh...well...you know...
  Magda: Go on! Tell us everything!
  Olivia: There’s nothing to tell! Really! Yeah, we’ve been out a couple of times, we went to
  a movie last night, but we’re just good friends. Sarah: “Just good friends”???
  Olivia: Yeah—really! I like him, he’s great, but nothing more than that.
  Magda: I’m not sure I believe you!
  Olivia: It’s true! Anyway, let’s change the subject—how are things going with you and Carlos, Sarah?
  Sarah: Oh, OK.
  Olivia: (laughing) Come on! Who’s being shy now!?
  Sarah: It’s great, actually. I mean, we’re really different as people, but we get on so well together.
  Magda: Sounds good.
  Sarah: Yeah, it is, but, I mean, it’s difficult. He doesn’t really like his job here—he’s thinking about going back to Brasil soon. I don’t know if I want to go there!
  Olivia: Oh, decisions, decisions.
  (phone rings)
  Sarah: Oh, is that you, Magda?
  Magda: Yes it is. Now I’ll find out if we’ve won. Sarah/Olivia: (3)squeal of excitement)
  Magda: (on phone) ...hello? Yes? Yes. Oh. So? Erm, I see. And? Yes? YES!!!
  Sarah/Olivia: Hooray!!!
  Sarah: You did it!
  Magda: Yes! We won!
  Olivia: 4)Fantastic! Well done!
  Sarah: So was this a building you designed?
  Magda: Erm, no, not exactly.
  Olivia: But you designed a lot of it?
  Magda: Erm, no, not exactly.   Sarah: The doorway?
  Magda: No.
  Olivia: Erm, the windows?
  Magda: No.
  Sarah: What did you design then?
  Magda: Erm, actually, just the handles. On the doors.
  Sarah: Oh.
  Olivia: The doorhandles?
  Magda: Yes.
  Olivia: I see.
  Sarah: Well, that’s good! Doorhandles are important! You should be proud!
  Magda: (sighs) Yes. I guess so. It’s a start!
  Tony: Sorry girls—no champagne, but I’ll put extra sugar in your coffee. Free!
  Olivia: (5)sarcastically) Thanks Tony!

  Complete the summary using the words below.
  chance champagne sugar friends door company prize
  Magda’s architect’s _________ has been listed for a _________. She thinks they are in with a good _________of winning so she orders _________. The girls discuss their relationships. Olivia says that she and Fahdi are just good _________ . Sarah says that she and Carlos are very different people. The girls find out that Magda only designed the _________ handles on the building. Tony offers everyone extra _________.
  company prize chance champagne friends door sugar
4月20日,山东省“流动科技馆县县通”工程济阳巡展启动仪式在县职专举行。山东省科协副主席李云云,济南市科协党组书记雷卫国,济阳县委书记、县人大常委会主任祖爱民等参加启动仪式。  据介绍,济阳是“流动科技馆县县通”工程济南巡展第二站,本次展览时间为一个半月,济阳县将组织所属中小学生参观体验。此次巡展内容由平面科普知识展览、科技体验、数字科技馆、互动展品四个板块组成,涵盖了天文地理、生命知识、科技世界
影片《乔布斯:灵光乍现》(Jobs:Get Inspired)从乔布斯大学退学讲起。1976年,21岁的乔布斯与26岁的斯蒂芬·沃兹(Stephen Woz)在自家的车库里成立苹果公司,并以敏锐的洞察力与想
摘要 由于网络具有互联性、自由性、开放性等诸多特点,但也很容易受到黑客、病毒等攻击。而网络技术只有实现了良好的安全管理,才可以将其应有的作用全部发挥出来,如果不能实现安全管理,那么必然会给智能化变电站系统造成严重的危害。本文首先分析了智能化变电站系统对网络的要求,其次,就如何加强智能化变电站系统网络安全管理展开了详细的探讨,具有一定的参考价值。  关键词 智能化变电站;系统网络;安全管理  中图分
4月13日,国际科联四大计划中国委员会参与“未来地球”计划研讨会在中国科技会堂召开。中国科协书记处书记张勤出席会议并讲话。国际科联执委、中国科协国际科学理事会工作协调委员会(ICSU-CHINA)主席吴国雄院士,中国科学院青藏高原研究所所长、中国科学院院士姚檀栋,中国科协国际联络部副部长梁英南、国际科联四大计划中国委员会相关专家及工作人员约30人出席会议。会议由吴国雄主持。  此次研讨会围绕如何协