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2006年4月26日中午,当很多人在吃饭或休息的时候,深圳的邹涛正挥汗如雨地写作一篇声讨高房价的“大字报”。也许连他自己都没有想到,这篇“不买房——致全体市民的公开信”居然会引起那么大的反响:当天就有10000多人点击阅读,有1717个市民在网上跟贴;此后,每天通过邮件、短信、论坛留言的人次都在1000以上;截至5月18日,已有5万多人对他表示支持,现在这个人数估计已经达到20万。“不买房行动”如火如荼地展开,使得邹涛也一下子成为房地产界的风云人物 On the noon of April 26, 2006, when many people were eating or taking a break, Zou Tao of Shenzhen was sweating to write an “poster” of high house prices. Perhaps even he himself did not think that this “do not buy a house - an open letter to all citizens” would actually cause such a big response: that day there are more than 10,000 people click to read, there are 1,717 people in the Internet to follow; since then, every day By mail, text messages, forums, the number of messages are above 1000; as of May 18, more than 50,000 people have expressed support for him, and now this number is estimated to have reached 200,000. “Do not buy a house move” in full swing to start, making Zou Tao suddenly become a real estate realm
本文最初发表于一九六一年十月《学术月刊》。最近,作者又作了较大的补充和修改。它提供了研究鲁迅的一些宝贵资料,本刊特予以发表。全文共分六部份,将分两次载完。 This ar
Objective: To determine medication regularity external therapies of Traditional Chinese medicine of eczema by data mining. Methods: Papers were retrieved from d
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一个毛孩子一下子红成这个样子, 到底是怎么回事? 值得探讨! 其实吧, 他就是命好。信不信由你! A hair child all of a sudden red into this look, in the end is how else
1986年5月27日~1986年8月13日,我们对DPC-1500型电焊排烟除尘机组的样机进行了实验室和使用现场的卫生技术测定。一、测定方法 1.机组的除尘效率及烟尘排放浓度测定方法在机