,Colour compound lenses for a portable fluorescence microscope

来源 :光:科学与应用(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pp_dolphin
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In this article,we demonstrated a handheld smartphone fluorescence microscope (HSFM) that integrates dualfunctional polymer lenses with a smartphone.The HSFM consists of a smartphone,a field-portable illumination source,and a dual-functional polymer lens that performs both optical imaging and filtering.Therefore,compared with the existing smartphone fluorescence microscope,the HSFM does not need any additional optical filters.Although fluorescence imaging has traditionally played an indispensable role in biomedical and clinical applications due to its high specificity and sensitivity for detecting cells,proteins,DNAs/RNAs,etc.,the bulky elements of conventional fluorescence microscopes make them inconvenient for use in point-of-care diagnosis.The HSFM demonstrated in this article solves this problem by providing a multifunctional,miniature,small-form-factor fluorescence module.This multifunctional fluorescence module can be seamlessly attached to any smartphone camera for both bright-field and fluorescence imaging at cellular-scale resolutions without the use of additional bulky lenses/filters;in fact,the HSFM achieves magnification and light filtration using a single lens.Cell and tissue observation,cell counting,plasmid transfection evaluation,and superoxide production analysis were performed using this device.Notably,this lens system has the unique capability of functioning with numerous smartphones,irrespective of the smartphone model and the camera technology housed within each device.As such,this HSFM has the potential to pave the way for realtime point-of-care diagnosis and opens up countless possibilities for personalized medicine.
Phase-contrast microscopy converts the phase shift of light passing through a transparent specimen,e.g.,a biological cell,into brightness variations in an image
摘要:本文将工作实践中总结出的有线数字电视机顶盒常见的故障与排除方法从:无图像、马赛克、丢包(频道不全)、声音故障、黑屏、图像变黑白、死机现象这几个方面做了简单的分析与介绍。  关键词:数字电视;机顶盒;图像;马赛克  中图分类号:TN94 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-864X(2014)08-0193-01  现代电视技术和信息技术发展日新月异,“数字化”汹涌而至。数字电视机顶盒就成为了
Rapid progress in the development of multispectral optoacoustic tomography techniques has enabled unprecedented insights into biological dynamics and molecular