以就业为导向 深化中职文化课改革

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以就业为导向的职业教育办学指导思想的提出引领着职业教育的改革。用职业教育应当培养的有知识、有能力、会学习、能应用,全面发展创新人才的培养目标来衡量,尽管现在很多职业教育者已经有了一定的文化课程改革的意识和举措,但很多还是停在表面,尤其是在教学实施过程中,文化课程的教学现状仍没有摆脱普教模式,一定程度地存在着诸如课程目标决策不明,内容选择欠佳等问题,偏离了中职教育的培养目标,不能有效地培养适应市场需要的中职毕业生。具体表现在:开发主体的单一性从现行的中职文化课的教学现状来看,学校对自主开发教材要求不够,不够重视校本课程的开发;在校企合作方面,学校的积极性还不能完全得到企业的积极呼应。大部分文化课程仍以国家专家委员会编排为主。而以就业为导向的课程开发应从单一的学校主体转向学校与企业、行业相结合,积极争取他们参与课程的开发和设计,使行业、企业成为课程开发的重要主体。 The employment-oriented guiding ideology of vocational education leads the reform of vocational education. With vocational education should have the knowledge, ability, will learn, can apply and develop all-round development of innovative personnel to measure the target, although many vocational educators already have a certain awareness of cultural reform and initiatives, but many still Stop on the surface, especially in the process of teaching, the teaching status quo of cultural courses still do not get rid of the universal mode of education, to some extent, such as the decision-making of the course objectives is not clear, the content selection is not good and other issues, deviated from the training objectives of vocational education , Can not effectively cultivate vocational graduates to meet the needs of the market. The concrete manifestation is as follows: The unity of the main body of development From the current status quo of teaching in secondary vocational schools, there is not enough requirement for independent development of teaching materials in schools and insufficient attention should be paid to the development of school-based curriculum. The enthusiasm of schools can not be fully obtained Positive business response. Most of the cultural courses are still dominated by the National Committee of Experts. The employment-oriented curriculum development should shift from a single school subject to a combination of schools and enterprises and industries, and actively strive for them to participate in the development and design of the curriculum so as to make the industry and enterprises an important subject in curriculum development.
本文系统描述了产自我国新疆塔里木盆地晚奥陶世晚期的管状体 ,包括 2属 8种 ,其中一个新种。通过对比研究 ,本管状体组合与 Burgess和 Edwards( 1991)的下组合相当。根据本
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临床资料 13例均为2~5月小婴儿,其中男8例,女5例。肺炎合并心衰4例,毛细支气管炎9例,均在抗感染对症治疗同时以酚妥拉明每次0.5mg/kg加入10%葡萄糖液30~50ml静点,每天1~2次。用