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东北百合科植物26属中有25个属是温带分布式,热带分布属只有1个,而且东北已达其北界。在87种自然分布的东北百合科植物中,西伯利亚和北极是分布的北界,东南亚、南亚地区是其分布的南界。可以看出东北百合科植物分布的北温带—亚寒带的特点。通过“相似性系数”统计可以看出,东北百合科植物区系与朝鲜北部(63.4%)、苏联乌苏里地区(55.1%)的关系最为密切。 Twenty-five genera of the 26 genera in the northeastern Liliaceae are distributed in temperate zones, with only one tropical distribution, and the northeast reaches its northern boundary. Of the 87 species of plants in the northeastern Liliaceae that are naturally distributed, Siberia and the Arctic are the northern boundaries of distribution, and Southeast Asia and South Asia are the southern boundaries of their distribution. It can be seen that the characteristics of the north temperate-subtropical zone in the distribution of plants in the northeastern Liliaceae. According to the “similarity coefficient” statistics, the flora of the Liliaceae in Northeast China has the closest relationship with northern North Korea (63.4%) and the Soviet Union-Ussuri District (55.1%).
独活为伞形科重齿毛当归Angelica pubescens Maxim.f.biserrata Shan et Yuan的根及根茎,为常用中药,具有祛风通络、活血舒筋、宣通百脉的作用,并能治腰膝酸痛,手脚挛痛。《
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