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天齐锂业的今天,是蒋卫平凭着以振兴民族锂工业为己任的“产业报国”情怀,22年来敢打敢拼的结果。当新能源汽车迎来重重利好,其上游备受资本和产业追捧的时候,天齐锂业股份有限公司引起了社会的广泛关注。20多年前,天齐锂业从西部县城一个濒临破产的小企业起家,到2010年在深交所上市,市值从上市之初的40亿元猛增至目前近800亿元;其营业收入从2010年不到3亿元快速增长至2016年的39亿元,年净利润从不到4000万飙涨至15亿元,2017年仍保持持续增长势头, Tian Qi Li industry today, is Jiang Weiping relying on the revitalization of the national lithium industry “industry serve the nation ” feelings, 22 years daring to fight the results. When the new energy vehicles usher in many good, its upstream much sought after capital and industry, Tian Qi Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. aroused widespread concern in the community. More than 20 years ago, Tianqi Lithium started its business as a bankrupt small enterprise in the western county and went public on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2010, its market capitalization soared from 4 billion yuan at the beginning of the IPO to nearly 80 billion yuan at present; its operating income increased from 2010 With annual growth of less than 300 million yuan to 3.9 billion yuan in 2016, the annual net profit soared from less than 40 million to 1.5 billion yuan in 2017, and maintained its continuous growth in 2017,
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