一、概况 潜艇这一隐蔽的水下兵器自问世以来,就对水面船只构成了巨大威胁。“一战”潜艇首次大规模应用于实战,就取得了赫赫战绩;到了“二战”,随着潜艇性能的不断提高和“狼群”等新战术的运用,一时间使人们达到了“谈潜艇色变”的严重程度。据统计,自“二战”爆发到1941年圣诞节前夕的短短两年多时间,仅英国遭受德国潜艇攻击而沉没的海运船只就达600多万吨,占同时
I. Overview Submarine This hidden underwater weapon has posed a tremendous threat to surface vessels since its inception. “World War I” submarine first large-scale application in actual combat, has made phenomenal record; to “World War II”, with the continuous improvement of submarine performance and the “wolves” and other new tactics to use, so that people reach a time of “submarine Color change ”the severity. According to statistics, from the “World War II” to the eve of Christmas 1941, just over two years, only the United Kingdom was attacked by the German submarine and the sinking of seaborne ships amounted to more than 600 million tons, accounting for at the same time