
来源 :数理化解题研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:perfew
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一个完整的课堂需要具备有引导性的开端,丰富的教学与完美的小结三个特征,由此可见课堂小结在课堂教学中占据着极其重要的地位.在初中数学课堂中,有效运用课堂小结有助于增强学生的逻辑思维能力和自主探究能力,同时还有利于提高数学课堂教学效率.在此背景之下,本文分别从通过归纳总结、互问互答和知识拓展三方面进行课堂小结,以期能为广大同仁提供借鉴参考的价值. A complete classroom needs to have a guiding beginning, rich teaching and perfect summary of the three characteristics, it can be seen that classroom summary occupies an extremely important position in classroom teaching. In the junior middle school mathematics classroom, the effective use of classroom summary Help students to enhance their logical thinking ability and self-inquiry ability, but also conducive to improving the efficiency of mathematics classroom teaching. In this context, this article respectively from the summation, mutual question and answer and knowledge expansion in three aspects of classroom summary. For the majority of my colleagues can provide reference to the value.
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