一九八八年十二月十七日,“对虾养殖多功能装置的研究”在大连市科委联合体办公室主持下,通过了市级鉴定。 “对虾养殖多功能装置的研究”是大连市科研生产联合体下达给我院的科研项目。近年来,由于水产养殖发展很快,养殖机械在水产养殖过程中的重要性,越来越被人们所重视。因此,及时地设计研制出重量轻、功能多、效率高、耗能小、成本低的养殖机械与装置是当
On December 17, 1988, the “Study on Multi-functional Device for Shrimp Farming” passed the municipal appraisal under the auspices of Dalian Municipal Science and Technology Commission Commonwealth Office. “Research on Multi-functional Device for Shrimp Culture” is a scientific research project issued by Dalian Research and Production Association to our hospital. In recent years, due to the rapid development of aquaculture, the importance of aquaculture machinery in aquaculture has drawn more and more attention. Therefore, in time to design and develop a light weight, multi-function, high efficiency, low energy consumption, low cost of farming machinery and equipment is when