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柱础,是建筑柱头下的柱顶石,对柱子起着隔湿防潮的作用。西汉《淮南子》就有“山云蒸,柱础润”的记载。由于柱础处于非常明显的位置,所以历来的建筑师都非常重视对它的艺术装修,加强建筑的感染力。 在原始社会,就已经出现了柱础,那是用铜块、石块、卵石或火烧土做的柱础。秦汉时期写实艺术的人物、动物、植物图案广泛装饰在建筑上,这时的柱础多复盆式石础,上雕动物图案。西晋,佛教开始盛行,象征高洁、纯净、美好的莲花被大量用来做为装饰柱础的图案。唐宋时期,仍盛行莲花础。但图形由简单发展到繁复,花样增多,有宝装莲花、缠枝莲花、合莲卷草。祥瑞物也多在柱础上出现,如力神、狮子等。明清以后,柱础纹饰种类和造型更加丰富,雕工也更为讲究,柱础艺术日而久之便成了反映一个时代、一个民族或一支民系、一个地区的民间艺术特点及风俗民情的一种展示和结晶。 Column foundation is a pillar stone under the stigma of the building, and plays a role in blocking the moisture and dampness of the pillar. The Western Han Dynasty “Huainanzi” has a record of “steamed mountain clouds, column base run.” Because the column foundation is in a very obvious position, architects have always attached great importance to its artistic decoration and enhanced the appeal of the building. In the primitive society, there has been a column base, which is a column base made of copper blocks, stones, pebbles or firewood. During the Qin and Han period, the characters, animals and plant patterns of the realistic art were extensively decorated in architecture. At this time, the pillar foundation was composed of multiple stone basin foundations and carved animal motifs. In the Western Jin Dynasty, Buddhism began to prevail, symbolizing that the noble, pure and beautiful lotus flower was used as a pattern of decorative pillars. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, lotus foundations still prevailed. However, the figure has evolved from simple to complicated, with more patterns, such as lotus flowers, lotus flowers and lotus flowers. Xiang Ruiwu also appeared on the column base, such as Li Shen and Lions. After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, pillars were more varied in their types and shapes, and the carving work was more elaborate. The art of columns and bases became a feature of the folk arts reflecting the characteristics of an era, a nation or a people, and an area. A display and crystallization.
生活品味的提高让别墅成为了时下的一种潮流。本文结合别墅的概念和别墅设计风格的发展史,从当下国民的整体生活水平探讨了一下现代别墅设计风格以及发展趋势。 Improve the
讨论了高中物理教学中能量的知识网络。 Discusses the energy network of knowledge in high school physics teaching.
祖父真的被我感化了,他哭了,然后他搂着祖母道歉和忏悔,然后祖母也哭了……  小时候,我跟随祖父祖母生活在缅因州的巴尔渔港。我的祖父不仅是个粗鲁的渔夫,还是个粗暴的酒鬼和赌徒,他几乎每天都会对祖母发脾气,甚至会当着我的面打祖母耳光,而祖母只能躲在粮仓或者厨房里偷偷地哭。后来,我在心里暗暗告诉自己:如果再有下次,我一定要帮助祖母和祖父对抗!  有一天早上,我起床后就听到祖父在骂祖母,说她做的早餐不好吃
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