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我们剧团最近学习了《戏剧报》第六期上发表的《在荣誉面前》这篇文章,进行了热烈的讨论。大家一致认为:个人和集体的荣誉,是鼓励我们要更出色地完成领导交给的任务,要更好地为人民服务和为党的戏剧事业贡献出力量。通过学习,很多同志进行了自我检查。车文贵同志说:领导培养我打鼓,可是我刚刚能打两出戏,就产生了骄傲情绪,觉得什么都不合适了。现在认识到,今后一定要加强学习,不能骄傲,骄傲就会落后。还有的同志说:我们剧团向中国评剧院学习反映越南南方人民抗美斗爭的大型现代戏《南方烈火》,由于中国评剧院的大力帮助,这出戏的演出效果很好,受到观众的好评。在这个荣誉面前,个别的同志也沒有经受起考验,产生了骄傲的思想,片面地认为自己演得好,伴奏得好,舞台设计好,把荣誉变成是个人的,忘却了党的领导,忽视了兄弟剧院的帮助和同志们的集体努力。由于对荣誉产生了不正确的看法,结果使演出质量逐渐下降。 Our troupe recently studied the article “Before the Honor,” published in the sixth issue of the Drama, for a lively discussion. All agreed that the honor of individuals and collectives encourages us to accomplish the tasks entrusted by the leadership more satisfactorily, serve the people better and contribute to the cause of the party’s drama. Through study, many comrades conducted self-examination. Comrade Che Mugui said: The leaders have trained me in drumming. However, I could just play two dramas before I felt proud and felt that anything was inappropriate. Now I realize that in the future, we must learn harder, not be proud, and our pride will fall behind. Some comrades also said that our theater troupe has learned from the Chinese Theater of Theater the large-scale modern drama “The Southern Fire,” which reflects the anti-American struggle of people in southern Vietnam. The performance of the play was very well received by the audience due to the help of the China Theater. In front of this honor, individual comrades have not stood the test, resulting in pride of thought, one-sided thinking that they have performed well, performed well, designed the stage well, turned the honor into an individual, forgotten the party’s leadership, Neglected the help of brothers theater and the collective efforts of comrades. As a result of the incorrect view of honor, the result is a gradual decline in the quality of the performance.
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