充分利用野外优势 促进幼儿全面发展

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我们幼儿园地处农村,每当春暖花开或是秋高气爽的季节,我们经常有计划地组织幼儿开展一些野外活动。几年来的实践,我们有以下几点体会。野外活动增强了幼儿体质常去田野和山坡活动,可使幼儿身体各部分得到充分锻炼。从我们幼儿园去附近小山坡要经过机耕路和田埂路,我们让幼儿在路上跑走交替地去山坡,并在高约40厘米、宽约20厘米的田埂路上练习做各种平衡动作。我们还编了“龟兔赛跑”、“猴子爬竹竿”、“小矮人过岩洞”、“孙悟空的魔术”、“比眼力”等游戏,让幼儿在小山坡或竹林里练习爬、跳、钻、滚、翻、投掷等基本动作。由于野外场地大,自然物多,幼儿 We are located in the rural nursery school, whenever the spring or autumn season, we often organize the children to carry out some activities in the field. Years of practice, we have the following experience. Field activities to enhance the physical fitness of young children often go to the fields and hillside activities, children can make all parts of the body fully exercise. From our kindergarten to the nearby hillside to go through Tractor Road and Tin Shuei Road, we allow young children to run on the road alternately to the hillside and practice balancing exercises on fields and potholes about 40 cm in width and 20 cm in width. We also compiled games such as Tortoise and the Hare, Monkeys climbing the bamboo pole, Dwarf over the caves, Magic of the Sun Wukong, Match eyesight and so on, so that young children can practice climbing, jumping and drilling in the hillside or bamboo grove , Roll, turn, throwing and other basic movements. As the field venues, natural and more children
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