Optimization of the Production Organization Pattern in Tangshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aihuibulai
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High-efficiency production organization should be simple and “laminar”. A one to one “laminar flow” operation mechanism is supposed to be accepted as a prerequisite to build high-efficiency clean steel “production platform”. Concerning the fact that establishing a one to one “laminar flow” production pattern is impossible at Tangshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., “quasi-laminar flow” production pattern was evaluated. Result shows that rolling bar products of various specifications have great impact on the liquid steel supply model between BOF and CC. Considering the process matching issue of steelmaking-continuous casting-rolling process in bar production line, a “quasi-laminar flow” production pattern between BOF and CC was proposed according to different rolling specification in bar mills. Through analysis and research on current production pattern, combined with principles and strategy for BOF workshop control, and taking the plant layout into account, “quasi-laminar flow” production pattern was finally established. Moreover, Gantt chart of “quasi-laminar flow” production pattern was drawn. It is shown that the relative “order degree” of the “quasi-laminar flow” production pattern rises, which is conductive to production scheduling and ladle operation turnaround in comparison with “turbulence” production pattern. While a careful evaluation should be conducted due to the fluctuant temperature drop caused by the inevitable inserted heats and decreased operation rate of inserted BOF before adapting the production pattern. High-efficiency production organization should be simple and “laminar ”. A one to one “laminar flow ” operation mechanism is supposed to be accepted as a prerequisite to build high-efficiency clean steel “production platform ”. Concerning the fact that establishing a one to one “laminar flow” production pattern is impossible at Tangshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., “quasi-laminar flow” production pattern was was. Considering the process matching issue of steelmaking-continuous casting-rolling process in bar production line, a “quasi-laminar flow” production pattern between BOF and CC was proposed Through analysis and research on current production pattern, combined with principles and strategy for BOF workshop control, and taking the plant layout into account, “quasi-laminar flow” production pattern was finally established. Moreover, Gantt chart of “quasi-laminar flow ” production pattern was drawn. It is shown that the relative “order degree ” of the “quasi-laminar flow ” production pattern rises, which is conductive to production scheduling and ladle operation turnaround in comparison with “turbulence ” production pattern. While a careful evaluation should be conducted due to the fluctuant temperature drop caused by the inevitable inserted heats and decreased operation rate of inserted BOF before adapting the production pattern.
翼龙不是恐龙,但是它与恐龙一样,都是生活在中生代的爬行动物。一般来说,翼龙与恐龙在外观上最大的区别,就是长有一双由皮膜构成的、能够飞翔的双翼,不过有一种恐龙却打破了这种界限,它就是奇翼龙。  在距今1.6亿年前的侏罗纪时期,中国的河北省覆盖着大片的森林,森林中有许多湖泊,从高空向下望去,就好像点缀在绿色地毯上的一颗颗珍珠。几只达尔文翼龙从森林上空飞过,它们正在寻找着位于森林顶层的食物。  看着最后
目的 :观察清创术治疗消化性溃疡 (PU)的疗效和复发率。方法 :136例PU随机分为治疗组和对照组 ,前者清创后服药治疗 ,后者单纯服药治疗。分别观察 2 ,4周治愈率和半年 ,1年内
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1 病例介绍患者 ,男 ,30岁 ,因间歇性无痛性肉眼血尿1个月而于 1 999年 2月 5日以“血尿待查”而住院。患者半年前曾因包茎伴龟头尖锐湿疣而在广东某医院行包皮环切、龟头尖
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