
来源 :交通运输工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sentimantal
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介绍了地铁列车紧急制动环路工作原理与紧急制动气动系统特点,提出了以综合制动指令和中继阀容积室压力为参数的紧急电磁阀故障特征判定法则,分析了有紧急制动指令时紧急制动不施加、无紧急制动指令时紧急制动异常触发与无紧急制动指令时的中继阀容积室压力异常3类紧急电磁阀故障特征,研究了紧急电磁阀的故障诊断流程,运用AMESim软件建立了制动系统仿真模型,基于故障再现的模型驱动仿真法模拟了3类紧急电磁阀故障,并在气路控制试验台上进行了第1类故障对比试验。试验结果表明:在正常情况下触发紧急制动信号时,中继阀容积室压力延时1.1s后达到目标压力;人为断开紧急电磁阀信号线并触发紧急制动信号时,中继阀容积室压力为0,并维持不变,2.6s后系统报警紧急电磁阀故障。可见,运用AMESim建立的制动系统模型能有效再现紧急制动的故障特征,以制动指令与中继阀容积室压力为参数的紧急制动故障识别分析方法可用于紧急制动在途故障监测与服役性能跟踪。 This paper introduces the working principle of the emergency braking circuit of subway train and the characteristics of the emergency braking pneumatic system. It puts forward the rule of the emergency characteristics of the emergency solenoid valve with the comprehensive braking command and the pressure in the relay chamber as an example, Emergency brake command is not applied, no emergency brake command emergency brake abnormal Trigger emergency brake command relay valve volume chamber abnormal pressure 3 emergency solenoid valve fault characteristics, the study of the emergency solenoid valve fault diagnosis A simulation model of braking system was established by using AMESim software. Three kinds of emergency electromagnetic valve faults were modeled based on model-driven simulation of fault reproduction, and the first type of fault comparative test was carried out on the pneumatic control test stand. The test results show that when the emergency braking signal is triggered under normal conditions, the pressure in the relay valve volume chamber reaches the target pressure after a delay of 1.1s. When the emergency off-signal is manually disconnected and the emergency braking signal is triggered, the relay valve volume Room pressure is 0, and remain unchanged, 2.6 seconds after the system alarm emergency solenoid valve failure. It can be seen that the braking system model established by AMESim can effectively reproduce the fault characteristics of emergency braking. The emergency braking fault identification and analysis method based on brake command and relay valve volume chamber pressure can be used for emergency braking in-transit fault monitoring Service performance tracking.
1999年第3期《中学数学》刊登了陈宽国老师的文章“函数f(x)=Aa1x+b1+Ba2x+b2的值域的几何求法”,读后颇有启发.并且马上产生了写作此文的想法,聊以助兴.例1 求函数f(x)=x2+4+x2-10x+34的最小值.解析1 用立体几何知识.? In the
笔者对苯溴代反应进行了大量的试验 ,并参考了一些有关资料 ,使实验在便于课堂操作的前提下达到了时间短 (3~ 5分钟 )、效果好、污染少的要求 .现将实验要点介绍如下 ,供同行
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众所周知 ,因题而异证明不等式的方法甚多 ,本文旨在介绍一种证明不等式的新方法———建构递归关系法 .为简明见 ,本文举三个例题说明三种典型的建构递归关系证明不等式的模