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开封市蔬菜研究所成立于1961年6月,位于七朝古都开封市南郊大李庄。现有职工80人,在职专业技术人员33人,其中副研究员4人,助理研究员10人,所内设有科技开发服务中心,西瓜育种、蔬菜育种和蔬菜综合技术三大研究室,主要研究内容有西瓜、大白菜、蕃茄、辣椒、芹菜等品种和保护地设施栽培、植物保护和土壤肥料等应用新技术。建所以来获得多类科技成果奖23项,其中省级成果奖10项。近几年来认真贯彻党的科技方针,坚持“面向经济搞科研,搞好科研出成果,依托成果搞开发,搞好开发见效益,增强效益促科研”的运行机制和科研开发一体化思想。重视了将科研成果转化生产力,为振兴经济作出了积极贡献。据 Kaifeng City Vegetable Research Institute was established in June 1961, located in the ancient capital of seven cities in southern suburbs Dazhuang Zhuang. The existing staff of 80 people, serving professional and technical personnel 33 people, including 4 associate professors, assistant researcher 10, which has a technology development service center, watermelon breeding, vegetable breeding and integrated vegetable technology three major research rooms, the main research content There are watermelon, Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, celery varieties and protected facilities cultivation, plant protection and soil fertilizers and other application of new technologies. Therefore, it has won 23 awards for various scientific and technological achievements, including 10 provincial achievement awards. In recent years, we must conscientiously implement the Party’s scientific and technological guidelines and adhere to the operational mechanism of “research oriented to the economy, improve achievements in scientific research, engage in development based on results, improve development through efficiency and enhance scientific research through scientific research”, and an integrated scientific research and development philosophy. Emphasis is placed on transforming scientific research achievements into productive forces and making positive contributions to the revitalization of the economy. according to
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