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我省果树大部份栽培在红壤丘陵,少部份栽在沿河冲积土壤上。而这部份土壤也是由红壤演变而来的。红壤最大的特点是酸(pH值4~5)、瘦、板结,土壤有机质含量低,一般在1%以下,甚至在0.5%以下,而且越接近底层土质越差,这对深根性果树的根系生长极为不利,栽种果树需要有疏松肥沃的土壤,果树才能生长健壮,获得丰产稳产。以柑桔为例,它需要的土壤条件是:土壤有机质含量2~5%,孔隙度50%以上,土壤含氧量4~8%,pH值5.5~6.5。因此红壤栽种果树必须十分注意改良土壤,而改变土壤的主要措施,就是按照果树的不同生长发育阶段,深翻扩穴,深施有机肥。绿肥是经济有效的有机质肥源、特别是幼 Most of our province’s fruit trees are cultivated in red soil hills, and some are planted in alluvial soil along the river. This part of the soil is also evolved from the red soil. The most important characteristic of red soil is acid (pH value 4 ~ 5). Thin, compacted and organic matter content of soil is low, generally below 1%, even below 0.5%, and the closer to the bottom, the worse the soil quality, Growth is extremely unfavorable, planting fruit trees need to have loose and fertile soil, fruit trees can grow robust, access to high yield and stable yield. Take citrus as an example, it needs soil conditions: soil organic matter content of 2 to 5%, porosity of 50% or more, soil oxygen content of 4 to 8%, pH value of 5.5 to 6.5. Therefore, the red soil planted fruit trees must pay great attention to soil improvement, and the main measures to change the soil, that is, according to different stages of fruit and vegetable growth and development, deep plowing expansion points, deep application of organic fertilizer. Green manure is a cost-effective source of organic fertilizers, especially young ones
The authors reviewed the charts of 1,421 patients with cerebral hemorrhage to determine the cause of death. Limitation or withdrawal of life-sustaining interven
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