解放思想 推进政法工作创新

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中央新疆工作座谈会和自治区党委七届九次(全委)扩大会议,出台了一系列促进新疆跨越式发展和长治久安的重大政策措施,为进一步推进新疆改革发展稳定事业提供了新的重要机遇。最近,自治区党委召开常委扩大会议,提出要进一步解放思想,保持和扩大新疆经济社会发展初步形成的好形势。抓好中央和自治区一系列重要会议精神的再学习再认识再提高再落实,解放思想,勇于变革,对于新疆新的发展时期的政法工作非常重要。 The Central Xinjiang Work Symposium and the 7th Session of the 7th National Committee of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee (the Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee Committee), promulgated a series of major policies and measures to promote the development by leaps and bounds and long-term peace and stability in Xinjiang and provided new important opportunities for further promoting the reform, development, and stability in Xinjiang. Recently, the party committee of the autonomous region convened an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee and proposed that we should further emancipate our minds and maintain and expand the initial situation of Xinjiang's economic and social development. It is very important for the political and legal work in the new period of Xinjiang's development that a good grasp of the re-learning and re-understanding of a series of important conference spirit of the Central Government and the autonomous region be raised and then implemented again. Emancipating the mind and making changes bravely.
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1. Stable Economic Growth The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) predicted that China’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth would be more than 10 percent in 2
从被诬陷入狱到出狱后四处申冤,再到一切真相大白,田晋文等了近十五年。  2002年,仅仅因为一则学校乱收费的监督报道,田晋文就遭到时任县委书记的打击报复,捏造各种证据将他打成贪污犯,判刑十一年。他的妻子、弟弟、妹夫以及另外三名相关人员,均受牵连。如此涉及多人、个个含冤的连环案,全国罕见。今年4月28日,法院终于再审改判田晋文无罪,并于8月8日对他做出国家赔偿1005665.68元的决定。    田
珠海 (高栏 )港是一个新建港口。自1995年 4月两个 2万吨级货运码头建成投产以来 ,已有 1个 8万吨级、6个 5万吨级码头相继建成投产 ,另有 1个 2万吨级化工码头和 1个 5万吨
刑事女法官,法官中的特别群体。她们细腻又严谨,温柔而不失威严,本期《法庭内外》走近北京市第一中级人民法院刑事女法官群体,看她们如何在刀尖上舞芭蕾。 Female Criminal