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当科技项目经过立项、前期准备、研究过程和进入尾声后,即进入项目的结题或鉴定阶段。这里需要把结题和鉴定(评审)两个概念区分开来。结题是指项目承担单位完成了项目后申请结题,可以函审通过,也可以组织专家审查通过,主要是对项目全过程进行检查,达到立项的预期结果,项目下达单位正式行文发结题通知后,标志项目完成。而鉴定(评审)则是对某一项科研项目或成果的作用、发展进行评估肯定。鉴定(评审)更注重于结果,注重的是项目是否达到合格、先进、领先等要求,需要通过专家组评审,并给出鉴定(评审)意见。鉴定(评审)是在结题基础上完成的,是项目结题的更高形式。 When the science and technology project through the project, the preparation, the research process and the end of the project, that is, into the project’s conclusion or identification phase. Here need to conclude and identification (assessment) to distinguish the two concepts. Results of the project means that the project undertaking unit completed the project after the application of the knot can be passed by correspondence, can also be organized and reviewed by experts, mainly to check the entire process of the project to achieve the expected results of the project, the project issued a formal formula After notification, the logo project is completed. The identification (assessment) is the role of a scientific research project or result, the development of the assessment affirmed. Identification (assessment) is more focused on the results, focusing on whether the project meets the requirements of eligibility, advancedness and leadership, which needs to be reviewed by the expert group and given the appraisal (assessment) opinions. Appraisal (review) is done on the basis of the conclusion, is a higher form of the project conclusion.
稽查局李局长自幼酷爱下棋。参加工作以后,因为工作繁忙,其他娱乐项目先后被他忍痛割舍,唯有下棋这一爱好保留下来。夏天晚饭后,他总喜 Inspector Lee Director childhood l
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