
来源 :中国地产市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuggmacc
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城镇化的核心问题是土地,房地产的核心因素也是土地当前,快速城镇化和经济结构偏重投资仍是我国经济运行的总特征,而价格高位运行、民生社会矛盾累积乃至宏观经济减速也是当前的现实情况。对此,社会各界提出了诸多观点,如产业结构调整、扩内需、城乡二元结构问题、保障房问题、土地招拍挂制度问题、国家土地管理制度问题……也有多位学者提出土地收益的公平分配问题、国家税收制度问题,等等。笔者对这些观点部分赞同,部分保留,同时更倾向将根本症结归集于一个机制问题和一个体制问题,本文重点讨论机制问题。 The core issue of urbanization is land. The core factor of real estate is also the current land. Rapid urbanization and economic structure are still the general characteristics of our country’s economy. The high price, the accumulation of contradictions in people’s livelihood and even macroeconomic decelerations are also the current realities Happening. In this regard, the community put forward many points of view, such as industrial restructuring, expansion of domestic demand, the dual structure of urban and rural areas, protection of housing issues, the system of land bidding and auctioning, the state land management system issues ... ... There are many scholars put forward land revenue Fair distribution, the problem of state tax system, and so on. The author partially agrees with these views and partially reserves them. At the same time, I tend to focus the fundamental crux of the problem on a mechanism issue and an institutional problem. This article focuses on the mechanism issue.