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1.世界人权宣言第25.1条指出:“每个人都享有自己及家庭成员足以维持健康的生活标准的权利,包括食物、衣服、住房、医疗及必需的社会服务。”2.经济、社会及文化权的国际公约(ICESCR)第12.1条指出,缔约国承认“每个人都享有最高标准的可获得的躯体与精神健康的权利”;第12.2条详述了各缔约国要采取的一些步骤以做到充分实现这种健康权利,包括防治与控制疾病、获得医疗卫生设施/用品/服务的权利。3.ICESCR第12.2条由经济、社会与文化权益委员会编写的第14号总评议书作进一步的解释与定义。防治与控制疾病的权利在第12.2(c)项是指包括建立紧急医疗求助体系并在危急灾害发生时提供缓解灾难及人道主义援助。获得医疗卫生设施/用品/服务在第12.2(d)项包括优先在社区层次上适当地防治疾病;并且向民众提供基本药物。4.一方面,ICESCR要求健康权不断完善落实并讲明可供资源的有限性,缔约国要确保落实健康权不带有任何歧视(第2.2条)并采取深思熟虑和稳健的步骤(第2.1条)使第12条得以完全落实。经济、社会与文化权益委员会总评议书第3号确认缔约国的核心责任,这种责任是不可迥避的,要在最起码的必不可少的层次上满足ICESCR提出的健康权,包括阿玛-阿塔(Alma-Ata)宣言所讲的基本初级医疗保健在内,委员会总评议书第14? 1. Article 25.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to self and family members to maintain a healthy standard of living, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and essential social services.” 2. Economic, social and cultural Article 12.1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Commercial Rights (ICESCR) states that the State party recognizes “everyone has the highest standard of access to the highest standards of physical and mental health.” Article 12.2 details some of the steps States parties should take to achieve full Achieve this right to health, including the prevention and control of disease, access to health facilities / supplies / services. 3.ICESCR Article 12.2 is further elaborated and defined by General Comment No. 14, prepared by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The right to prevent and control the disease is defined in item 12.2 (c) as including the establishment of an emergency medical help system and the provision of disaster mitigation and humanitarian assistance in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Access to health facilities / supplies / services In paragraph 12.2 (d), priority is given to the prevention and treatment of diseases at the community level; and basic medicines are provided to the population. 4. On the one hand, the ICESCR requires that the right to health be continuously refined and put forth the limited resources available and that the State party ensure that the right to health is implemented without any discrimination (art. 2.2) and take well-considered and prudent steps (article 2.1) Article 12 was fully implemented. The General Comment No. 3 of the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, which recognizes the core responsibility of the State party, can not be circumvented and fulfills the right to health as proposed by the ICESCR at the most essential level, including the Alma- In the Alma-Ata declaration, which states basic primary health care, the Commission’s general comment No. 14?
骨质疏松是以骨强度下降、骨折风险增加为特征的骨骼系统疾病[1].骨强度由骨量与骨质量两方面组成.骨量能够反映50%~70%的骨强度水平,通常由双能X线骨密度仪(dual energy X-ray
急性脑梗死是最常见的中风性疾病,迄今为止疗效欠佳,致残率高达67%[1].对急性脑梗死缺血半暗带(ischaemic penumbra,IP)的存在、动态演变、转归等情况的判断对于治疗方案的选
马来西亚南端新山的警察,不久前奉命执行一项特别任务:抓闲人.目前,他们已抓到200 多名在街上闲逛的青年,除给予一顿教训外,还警告他们下次再犯的后果.