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开发区,即经济技术开发区,是在我国的沿海开放港口城市和部分内陆城市划出明确的地域界限,实施特殊的经济政策,外引内联发展新兴工业和科研等项目的特殊区域。 1984年SB,国务院为充分发挥沿海港口城市工:业基础好,科技水平高,交通方便,信息灵通.既有对内经济协作的网络,又有对外贸易渠道的优势,决定开放沿海14个港口城市,以吸引外商投资和国外先进技术、管理经验,开拓新兴产业,发展新产品增强出口创汇能力,使经济发展转到以外向型为主的轨道上来。截止1993年11月,国家级的开发区已达到32个,开发总面积约50平方公里。省级的开发区1993 个,经过清理保留到470个,规划面积约3238平方公里。这些开发区借鉴沿海14个开发区的经验,开发建设已初具规模,开始发挥起作用。如大连经济技术开发区从1984年10月正式动工兴建,目前开发区面积达24平方公里,26个国家和地区的外商进区兴办企业773个,协议投资总额30多亿美元, Development zones, that is, economic and technological development zones, are special areas that draw clear geographical boundaries and implement special economic policies in China’s open coastal port cities and part of the inland cities. In 1984 SB, the State Council to give full play to the coastal port city workers: a good industry foundation, high science and technology level, accessibility, well-informed. Both the internal economic cooperation network, as well as the advantages of foreign trade channels, the decision to open 14 ports along the coast Cities in order to attract foreign investment and advanced foreign technologies, manage their experiences, open up new industries, develop new products, enhance the ability to earn foreign exchange through exports, and shift economic development onto the path of outward-oriented development. As of November 1993, the number of state-level development zones has reached 32, with a total development area of ​​about 50 square kilometers. 1993 provincial-level development zones, after cleaning up to 470, planning area of ​​about 3238 square kilometers. Drawing on the experience of 14 development zones along the coast, these zones have taken shape and have begun to play a role in their development and construction. For example, Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone officially started construction in October 1984. At present, the development zone covers an area of ​​24 square kilometers and 773 foreign-funded enterprises in 26 countries and regions set up a total investment of over 3 billion U.S. dollars.
我爱这清清的小溪,宛若青丝飘带,源远流长。 在明媚的早晨,在绚丽的黄昏,我喜欢坐在溪边石上,让思绪随着溪水流淌。 I love this clear stream, just like a black ribbon,
前不久召开的全国工会财务工作会议,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻科学发展观,深入落实中国工会十五大和十五届二次执委会议精神,认真分析了当前 Guid
近日从国家能源局了解到,分布式光伏发电成为我国未来一段时间光伏发电发展的重点,明年全国拟新增分布式光伏发电6 000 MW,到2015年分布式光伏发电装机容量达到20 000 MW,占3
带着神州奋进的铿锵鼓点 ,带着马年腾飞的昂扬斗志 ,带着十六大盛会的成功喜悦 ,东方的大地 ,又迎来了新世纪的第三个元旦。2 0 0 3年的元旦 ,是祖国建设中又一个崭新的起跑