
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhym821211
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Purpose:To ascertain factors associated with anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy(AION)following coronary artery bypass graft(CABG)in a Lebanese population.Methods:A retrospective chart review of consecutive CABG performed over a 5-year period(1995-1999)in one medical centre.A comparison of clinical characteristics was carried out between AION cases and subjects free from AION.The variables analysed included history of diabetes as well as preoperative,intraoperative,or postoperative values of haematocrit,blood sugar,oxygen saturation,and arterial blood pressure.Results:A total of 1594 persons were included.Three subjects experienced acute visual loss from AION following CABG,all had diabetes mellitus,and two suffered from severe postoperative anaemia.Among diabetics(n=484),the risk of AION was significantly higher in subjects with postoperative haematocrit falling below 22(28.6%)than the rest(0.21%)(P=0.001).Blood transfusion was given in two subjects with prompt visual recovery.Conclusions:Severe anaemia in patients undergoing CABG appears to be a risk factor for AION,especially in diabetics,and needs prompt correction to prevent or reverse the ischaemic ocular events. Purpose: To ascertain factors associated with anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (AION) following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) in a Lebanese population. Methods: A retrospective chart review of consecutive CABG performed over a 5-year period (1995-1999) in one A comparison of clinical characteristics was carried out between AION cases and subjects free from AION.The variables were analyzed included history of diabetes as well as preoperative, intraoperative, or postoperative values ​​of haematocrit, blood sugar, oxygen saturation, and arterial blood pressure . Results: A total of 1594 persons were included.Three subjects experienced acute visual loss from AION following CABG, all had diabetes mellitus, and two suffered from severe postoperative anaemia. Amd diabetics (n = 484), the risk of AION was significantly higher in subjects with postoperative haematocrit falling below 22 (28.6%) than the rest (0.21%) (P = 0.001). Blood transfusion was given in two subjects with prompt visual recovery. Conflus ions: Severe anaemia in patients undergoing CABG appears to be a risk factor for AION, especially in diabetics, and needs prompt correction to prevent or reverse the ischaemic ocular events.
我们在课堂上玩了一个叫“大手牵小手”的游戏。  最令我触动的是李凤洁与蔡雅妮的表演。李凤洁扮演大人,蔡雅妮扮演小孩。李凤洁双手叉腰,声音特别大,一个劲儿喝斥蔡雅妮,还拧了她的耳朵。看着这滑稽的一幕,我们笑得喘不过气来。  不知道蔡雅妮是演戏太投入还是怎么着,她的声音越来越小,越来越哽咽。最后,她的眼泪直往下掉,哭起来了。教室里的笑声没有了,安静得出奇。她们演得太像了。这多像发生在家中的一个小片断啊
1943年,26岁的苏茉尔被关进了那个被称为“死亡工厂”的罪恶之地——奥斯维辛集中营。  如果说要从极大的不幸之中找出一丝幸运的话,那就是苏茉尔没有被关进被称为“灭绝营”的2号集中营,而是和很多女人一样,被关进了3号集中营。在那里,除了女人们,还有很多很多花朵一样年华的孩子们。  苏茉尔所在的监号是702室,她喜欢在阳光静好的日子里,透过窗户看外面的树木,还有花草。她总对孩子们说:“终有一日,我们