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全国第三次建筑与文化学术讨论会,今天在我市隆重开幕了!我谨代表中共泉州市委、泉州市人民政府向出席这次盛会的各级领导和各位专家、教授、学者,表示热烈的欢迎!并对你们在学术领域的不懈努力和开拓精神,对你们为繁荣建筑文化事业所作出的贡献,表示崇高的敬意!“建筑与文化”这一命题的确立和研究,对于创立建筑文化学,从文化深层探索中国建筑文化与中国整体文化乃至世界文化的关系,丰富和发展建筑理论,繁荣建筑创作,开拓具有中国特色的建筑文化发展道路,都具有重要的现实意义和深远的未来意义.建筑与文化这一新的理论探索,在经过第一、二次学术讨论会的广泛交流以后,正在逐步深入.它不仅得到建筑界、理 The third national architectural and cultural symposium opened today in our city. On behalf of the Quanzhou Municipal Committee of the CPC and the People’s Government of Quanzhou City, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to the leaders and experts, professors, and scholars attending the event. Welcome, and pay your highest respect to your contribution to the prosperity of architecture and culture in your unremitting efforts and pioneering spirit in the academic field! The establishment and study of the proposition “architecture and culture” is for the creation of architectural culture The deep exploration of the relationship between Chinese architectural culture, China’s overall culture and even the world culture from a deep cultural perspective, enriching and developing architectural theories, prospering architectural creation, and exploring the path of architectural culture development with Chinese characteristics all have important practical significance and far-reaching future significance. The new theoretical exploration of architecture and culture, after extensive exchanges between the first and second academic seminars, is gradually deepening. It has not only won the construction industry,
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