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落日落日隔着阔水,一只脚上了岸,一只脚,还没从水中拔起。落日在犹疑中眼睑下垂,慈悲不忍如菩萨。阔水携带着水草与驳船,横流迟滞如挽歌。落日拖曳着它的长袍辞别万物。它收起遮覆万物的光,随意折叠并收纳进时间的抽屉。万物静默,早已习惯落日辞别的仪轨。万物遵从旧有的秩序册,领受落日仪轨的洗濯。戏剧黑倦鸟渡江,背负虚无的倦意在对岸的黑树林上头盘旋。 Sunset Sunset across the wide water, one foot on the shore, one foot, not yet pulled from the water. Sunset in the hesitancy in the ptosis, mercy can not bear such as the Buddha. Wide water carrying plants and barges, cross-flow lag, such as elegy. Sunset dragging its robe farewell to all things. It retracts the light covering all things, casually folded and incorporated into the time drawer. Everything is silent, already accustomed to the farewell ceremony sunset. Everything obeys the old order books and receives the washing of the setting sun. Dramatic black dinosaurs crossing the river, carrying nothingness of tiredness in the other side of the Black Forest hovering.
画面中文提示: 画面上的男士站在镜子前目瞪口呆,一脸苦相:镜子里的自己竟然穿着一身女人的衣服。与此同时,他身旁那位花枝招展的售衣小姐却满面春风,风度翩翩。这幅画采用
meeting常用词,指为了一个目的的集会或会议。例如:I was late for the metting so they started without me. 我开会迟到了,因此他们就先开始了。We are going to have a me
人人都知道,只要一个鼠标、一台调制解调器,接上因特网,你就可以“指点天下”,不受时空阻隔也无需担忧长途电话费。 Everyone knows that as long as you have a mouse, a
First aid means what it says:the aid,or help,that can be given to an injuredperson fust,that is,before any other help arrives.Nowadays there is usually a tele-
山西东边是太行山,西边是黄河,是一个封闭的环境。这种环境下形成的性格就是比较封闭内向 The east side of Shanxi is the Taihang Mountain and the west is the Yellow R
foot forward,put one’s best这一习语的意思为“尽最大努力”,“给人以尽可能好的印象”。1.We mustput our best foot forward if we are to reach town tonight.我们若
众所周知,VIP是 very important person的缩写,表示“重要人物”。如今,用VIP这个词的范围很广,如VIP会所,VIP卡(贵宾卡),机场的VIP休息厅等等。其实,英语中还有许多其他词
一种全新的办公室出租模式“虚拟办公”近日亮相重庆,创业初期的小老板,只需花少量租金,不仅能在高档写字楼里租套气派的办公室,而且还可以享受到租赁者提供的秘书、后勤等服务。   “创办‘虚拟办公’,目的是帮助那些刚起步的商务人士。”重庆首家“虚拟办公”公司女掌门刘再英介绍说,她是成都人,1997年来渝打工,曾经卖过医疗器械、当过促销员、开过IT公司,考过心理咨询师。2004年开始炒房,而今手里还拥有5