搞好阅读教学 提高教学效率

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1、在阅读教学中实行语文教学为语言教学能力培养服务的原则在阅读教学中应注重语言内容与语言形式的统一,注重语言学习与语言表达能力的统一。例如,在学习朱自清的《春》一文时,让学生在感受春天的事物,来补充课文没有写到的内容。同学们说出许多,如春燕、春柳、春的田野等。还让学生模仿最后一段的方法写出自己对春天的感受,或描写其他事物,锻炼学生的语言表达能力。2、在阅读教学中坚持摘抄并持之以恒在阅读教学中,积极支持并鼓励学生在读书时将发现有价值的资料摘抄下来,明确这是一份宝贵的知识财富,它可以帮助自己分析研究,集众家之长,提高自己的认识水平。运用时,可以左右逢源,开阔思路。3、重新构建课堂的教学环节与教学结构首先,教师指导。主要是教师帮助学生整理、归纳知识结构和知识体系。语文知识零散而繁复,在语文知识的海洋中,许多学生觉得无从下手,不知从何学起,所以在这时候,就需要教师 1. The principle of implementing Chinese language teaching for the cultivation of language teaching abilities in reading teaching. In reading teaching, attention should be paid to the unification of language content and language forms, and the emphasis on the unity of language learning and language expression. For example, when learning Zhu Ziqing’s “Spring” article, let students feel the spring things to supplement what the text did not write. The students said a lot, such as Chunyan, Chunliu, and spring fields. It also allows students to imitate the last paragraph of the method to write their own feelings about the spring, or describe other things, exercise the students’ language skills. 2. Persevere in reading teaching and persevere In reading teaching, actively support and encourage students to extract valuable information when reading, make it clear that this is a valuable wealth of knowledge, it can help their own analysis and research. The chiefs of the public have increased their level of understanding. When it is used, it can be a source and an open mind. 3. Restructuring the teaching and teaching structure of the classroom First, teachers’ guidance. It is mainly teachers who help students organize and sum up knowledge structure and knowledge system. Language knowledge is fragmentary and complex. In the ocean of language knowledge, many students feel that they have no way to start, and they do not know where to learn. Therefore, at this time, teachers are needed.
同志们: 首先祝贺中陶会中学专委会第二届年会的召开!向与会代表,向承办单位海口华兴学校,向参加会议的其他同志表示亲切的问候。刚才方老已经代表中陶会讲得很全面了。他充
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