1. The principle of implementing Chinese language teaching for the cultivation of language teaching abilities in reading teaching. In reading teaching, attention should be paid to the unification of language content and language forms, and the emphasis on the unity of language learning and language expression. For example, when learning Zhu Ziqing’s “Spring” article, let students feel the spring things to supplement what the text did not write. The students said a lot, such as Chunyan, Chunliu, and spring fields. It also allows students to imitate the last paragraph of the method to write their own feelings about the spring, or describe other things, exercise the students’ language skills. 2. Persevere in reading teaching and persevere In reading teaching, actively support and encourage students to extract valuable information when reading, make it clear that this is a valuable wealth of knowledge, it can help their own analysis and research. The chiefs of the public have increased their level of understanding. When it is used, it can be a source and an open mind. 3. Restructuring the teaching and teaching structure of the classroom First, teachers’ guidance. It is mainly teachers who help students organize and sum up knowledge structure and knowledge system. Language knowledge is fragmentary and complex. In the ocean of language knowledge, many students feel that they have no way to start, and they do not know where to learn. Therefore, at this time, teachers are needed.