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我国城市经济体制改革是从企业改革开始的,至今已经历了漫长而曲折的16年。企业作为城市经济的细胞,在整个经济制度改基的过程中始终是一个主攻目标。随着时司的推移,人们日益把目光的视点集中在企业产权制度改革的问题上。有鉴于此,本文试图通过回顾企业改革的历史发展过程,探求企业产权制度之所以成为经济体制改革热点的缘由,从而深化对当前经济体制改革中一些关键问题的认识。 历史轨迹 一、企业改革从放权让利开始 1978年10月,四川省在宁江机床厂等6个企业中进行扩权试验。主要内容有三条:一是在分配制度方面,企业在完成国家计划的情况下,实行利润留成和提取企业基金;二是在生产经营方面,企业在完成国家计划的前提下,可增产市场需要的产品,承接来料加工;三是在干部使用方面,企业可自行提拔中层干部,不需经上级批准。这三权下放收到了立竿见影的效果。 1979年4周,中共中央召开工作会议吸取当的农村经济改革的经验,根据十一届三中全会精神,对我国城市经济体制改基的方向、步骤作出了原则的规定:城市改革侧重于扩大企业自主权,增强企业活力,实行严格的经济核算,认真执行按劳分配,把企业经营好坏同职工的物质利益挂起钩来。中央工作会议的决定,无疑是对四川省扩大企业自主权改革 The reform of China’s urban economic system began with corporate reforms and has gone through long and turbulent 16 years. As the cell of the urban economy, the enterprise has always been a main target in the process of changing the economic system. With the passage of time, people have increasingly focused their attention on the issue of the reform of the enterprise property rights system. In view of this, this article attempts to review the historical development process of enterprise reform, and explore why the enterprise property rights system has become the hot spot of economic system reform, thereby deepening the understanding of some key issues in the current economic system reform. Historical Track I. Corporate Reform begins with decentralization and transfer of profits In October 1978, Sichuan Province carried out expansion tests on six companies including the Ningjiang Machine Tool Plant. The main contents are as follows: First, in terms of the distribution system, enterprises implement profit retention and withdrawal of corporate funds in the context of completing national plans. Second, in terms of production and operation, enterprises can increase the market needs under the premise of completing national plans. Products, to undertake processing; Third, in the use of cadres, companies can promote their own middle-level cadres, without the approval of superiors. This decentralization has received immediate results. In the 4th week of 1979, the CPC Central Committee held a working conference to learn from the experiences of the rural economic reforms. According to the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, it laid down principles for the direction and steps of the reform of the urban economic system in China: Urban reform focuses on expanding. The autonomy of enterprises, the enhancement of enterprise vitality, the implementation of strict economic accounting, and the conscientious implementation of distribution according to work, linking the business performance of the enterprise with the material interests of employees. The decision of the Central Work Conference is undoubtedly the expansion of the autonomy of enterprises in Sichuan Province
高中学段是青年学子实现人生理想、成就未来的重要阶段。为了大家走好这一段路,我有几点想法与同学们共勉:  同学们,我们首先要学会坚强与独立。高中阶段,我们离开了父母的百般呵护,学习、生活中的困难在所难免,但是,我们必须摆脱依赖,摒弃软弱,自己面对。要学会自我排遣一些烦恼,要自己单独消解一些痛苦,要自己单独克服一些困难。我们应该懂得,有些问题我们固然可以求助师长,但有些问题别人是帮不了你的,你只能自己
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