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打靶当年我在黑龙江省呼玛县兴安公社插队,这地方在行政上隶属于大兴安岭地区管辖,与当时曾经发生过中俄战事而全国闻名的吴八老岛同属一县。四十年后我们一帮知青结伙去探望第二故乡,兴安公社已在漠河县管辖之内,但三合站仍在呼玛县区域。插队的那几年,每个生产队都有民兵被派往三合站和边防军一起军训、站岗。那时我一直很向往三合站,曾经有过一次登三合站山顶的机会,那是大兴安岭军分区主持的文学创作会议,我有幸参加,和边防战士一起合影成了我引以为荣的往事。四十年后我们特意去了三合站。还是来接我 In the shooting year I was in Hmong County, Heilongjiang Province Xing’an Commune to queue up, this place is administratively under the jurisdiction of the Greater Khingan Range, and was once a Sino-Russian war and the well-known national Wu Bailao belong to the same county. Forty years later, we help a gang to get to know the second hometown. Xingan Commune is within the jurisdiction of Mohe County, but Sanhe Station is still in the Huma County area. In those few years of expeditions, militia members of each production team were sent to the Sanhe station to work with the border guards to conduct military training and stand guard. At that time, I had been longing for the Sanhe Station. There was once a chance to climb to the top of the Sanhe Station. It was a literary creation conference hosted by the Daxinganling Military Sub-district. I was honored to participate in this photo. past. Forty years later we deliberately went to Sanhe station. Or to pick me up
笔者根据自由落体运动规律,推导了重力加速度与下落过程中两个位置点的速度与时间的关系,利用数码相机的连拍功能,在家中完成重力加速度的测量实验. According to the law o
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浙江省某保健品集团公司孙华伟问: 我公司是生产保健品的专业公司,在全国各大城市都设有销售处。1994年5月18日,我公司沈阳销售处与辽宁农兴实业总公司下属的农兴保健品经销
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