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有人喜欢芬芳娇艳的玫瑰,有人喜欢雍容华贵的牡丹,有人喜欢路边顽强生长着的小野花……但我最爱的还是向日葵。向日葵因花朵随太阳转动而得名,它的茎直立、粗壮,具有很强的抗旱性。向日葵的花姿虽然没有玫瑰、百合般浪漫纯净,但它阳光、明亮,有着属于自己的独特魅力。而且,它绽放的不仅是对太阳的爱,还有对梦想、对生活的热爱,这是我喜爱向日葵的原因之一。 Some people like fragrant and tender roses, some people like elegant peonies, some people like to grow small wildflowers curbside ... but my favorite is the sunflower. Sunflower named after the flower turns with the sun, its stems erect, stout, with strong drought resistance. Although the sunflower flower posture without roses, lily-like romantic pure, but it sunshine, bright, has its own unique charm. And it blooms not only for the love of the sun, but also for dreams, for life, which is one of the reasons I love sunflowers.
顾坚 ,汉族 ,生于 1 92 6年 ,江苏省泰州市人。中共党员 ,流行病学主任医师。 1 954年毕业于江苏医学院公卫系 ,同年支边分配到内蒙古卫生防疫站防疫科工作。1 976年任科室副
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g轴承试验机自动监测 和报警系统成都轴承总厂拾零 g bearing test machine automatic monitoring and alarm system Chengdu Bearing Factory pick up zero
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52例小儿消化性溃疡中,十二指肠球部溃疡占96.2%,胃溃疡占3.8%。以上消化道出血为常见首先症状,且易复发。H2受体阻断剂和H+泵抑制剂疗效满意。 In 52 cases of children with peptic ulcer, d
1992年12月.我院连续3天从3名发热新生儿患者的末梢血涂片查出间日疟原虫,经调查证实均输用过同一献血者的血浆。现报导如下。 例1 李某 女25天,入院前3天因受凉后鼻塞、发
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