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目的分析章丘区手足口病流行病学特点,为手足口病防控工作提供依据。方法利用2006~2016年章丘区手足口病监测和疫情数据,运用Excel 2003、SPSS 13.0等软件进行分析。结果 2006~2016年章丘区共报告手足口病8 007例,不同年份发病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。其中重症14例,重症率为0.17%,无死亡。时间分布上呈单峰流行,以5~8月为主,分别为734、2 176、2 298、1 198例,占80.00%;地区分布上从初期局部,到中期多点,再到后期中部城市地区为中心,周边环行分布街道为重点,边远地区散发和少发的特点;人群分布上主要发生在≤5岁儿童,男性(4 820例)多于女性(3 187例),男性发病率为83.04/10万,女性发病率为55.11/10万(P<0.01)。2009~2016年章丘区共报告手足口病聚集性疫情233起,聚集疫情罹患率由高到低依次为同一家庭(41.24%)、同一村庄(1.37%)、同一机构(1.30%)、同一班级(0.98%)(P<0.01)。病原学特征:2009~2016年各年病原谱不同,手足口病优势病原体基本呈现2~3年一次轮替现象,期间出现肠道病毒71型(Enterovirs71,EV71)、柯萨奇病毒A组16型(Coxsachie virus,CoxA16)、肠道病毒(Pan-enterovirus,PE)两者或三者的均衡分布,易引发高峰年;2009~2012年章丘区手足口病疫情发病季节性与优势病原体季节分布基本一致,2013~2016年发病季节性与优势病原体季节分布不一致。结论章丘区手足口病具有地区性、季节性、特殊人群积聚性特征。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease in Zhangqiu district and provide basis for the prevention and control of hand-foot-mouth disease. Methods The data of hand-foot-mouth disease surveillance and epidemic situation in Zhangqiu District from 2006 to 2016 were analyzed and analyzed by software such as Excel 2003 and SPSS 13.0. Results A total of 8 007 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease were reported in Zhangqiu District from 2006 to 2016, with a significant difference in incidence between different years (P <0.01). Severe cases of which 14 cases, severe rate was 0.17%, no death. The distribution of time was unimodal, mainly from May to August, respectively, 734,2176,2298,119 cases, accounting for 80.00%; regional distribution from the early local to mid-point more, and then to the latter part of the middle Urban areas as the center, the surrounding streets around the distribution of the main focus of the distribution of remote and less remote characteristics; population distribution mainly occurs in children ≤ 5 years old, more than 4 820 cases of males (3 187 cases), the incidence of males 83.04 / 100000, the incidence of women was 55.11 / 100000 (P <0.01). From 2009 to 2016, a total of 233 HFMD cases were reported in Zhangqiu District. The highest prevalence rates of the outbreaks were from the same household (41.24%), the same village (1.37%), the same institution (1.30%), the same Class (0.98%) (P <0.01). Etiological characteristics: The pathogenic spectrum was different from 2009 to 2016, and the predominant pathogens of hand-foot-mouth disease showed a rotation of 2 to 3 years. Enterovirs 71 (EV71), Coxsackievirus A 16 (Coxsackie virus, CoxA16) and enterovirus (PE), which may lead to a peak year. The seasonal and predominant pathogens of the HFMD in Zhangqiu district from 2009 to 2012 are seasonal The distribution is basically the same. The seasonal distribution of seasonal and dominant pathogens from 2013 to 2016 is inconsistent. Conclusion Zhangqiu District hand, foot and mouth disease with regional, seasonal, special population accumulation characteristics.
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