贯通东西 南联北开 强干建支 通江达海 内蒙古交通厅为西部开发夯实基础

来源 :紫光阁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rocwingw
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国家确定当前及今后一个时期抓好关系西部大开发战略全局的四项重点工作中,摆在第一位的是加快基础设施建设。而摆在基础设施建设第一位的又是重点加强公路建设。内蒙古自治区地处祖国北疆,东、南、西部毗邻8个省区,北部与蒙古、俄罗斯接壤,处于全国向北开放的最前沿,具有承东启西、联疆达海的区位作用。自治区成立50多年来,各种交通线路和设施有了很大的发展,综合交通网络骨架初见成效,交通闭塞的局面已有改观。特别是公路交通以其触角能伸展到四面八方的技术经济优势,最大限度地适应内蒙古地广人稀、城镇乡村分布零散,山区、沙区、林区、牧区交通特异的需求。到2000年底,全区公路通车里程将达到66500公里,占全区各种运输方式线路总里程的90%,完成客货运 Of the four key tasks that the country has decided to do well in the overall strategic context of the development of the western region at present and in the coming period, the first priority is to speed up infrastructure construction. And put in the first place of infrastructure construction is to focus on strengthening the road construction. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in the northern border of the motherland, adjacent to eight provinces in the east, south and west, bordering Mongolia and Russia in the north, and is at the forefront of the country’s opening northward. Since the founding of the autonomous region in the past 50 years and more, various transportation routes and facilities have made great strides. The comprehensive transportation network has achieved initial success and the situation of traffic congestion has changed. In particular, the road traffic with its antennae can be extended to all aspects of the technical and economic advantages, to the maximum extent possible to adapt to the sparsely populated Inner Mongolia, towns and villages scattered scattered, mountain, sand, forest, pastoral traffic specific needs. By the end of 2000, the mileage of the highway in the entire district will reach 66,500 km, accounting for 90% of the total mileage of the various modes of transportation in the region, and the completion of passenger and freight transport
“拍场”指拍卖场,本文则专指书画拍卖场。场者,非拍卖现场,而指因拍卖进行的系列活动,包括拍卖品图录、拍前预展等。  据说,有关文物部门的鉴定机构成员,是不允许涉及艺术市场商业活动的,这具有一定的合理性。如果鉴定家都成了商业炒作于,混淆真伪优劣,目的却在赢利,当然乱了套。当今现实中,大约也确有这样的情况存在,不能不引以为戒。但躲在“象牙塔”中,不接触社会和市场,又无异于因噎废食了。  我们的许多前辈
本文基于 Chebyshev 映射,提出了一种四相扩频序列的设计方法,分析了此类四相扩频序列的广义奇相关的相关分布,并就相关峰值、相关均方值等相关特性,将此类四相扩频序列与其它四相扩频序列
The aim of this study was to determine the key factors regulating the spatiotemporal variations in abundance of dominant phytoplankton in Shihmen Reservoir over