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1965年8月7—8日、13—14日是永修县第三代三化螟的两个卵孵高峰期,在这段时间内,采用短期深灌水护秧,起到了显著的治螟效果。我们在九合公社河头大队第五生产队,利用两丘毗邻的田,早稻莲塘早已收割,7月26日栽双晚糯稻(品种系大红袍),面积有4亩左右进行试验。其中一丘田较低洼,从8月8日开始灌水5寸左右,浸没秧苗叶鞘口;另一丘地势较高,灌水1.5寸左右。两块田的卵块密度每亩都在1,000块以上。8月20日检查结果:浅水田的枯心率高达24.30%,深水护秧田的枯心率下降到3.22%。同时,我们在县样板队(三角公社树下大队)进行了一次大田调查;如第九生产队有10余亩双晚(品种油粘子),8月9—10日由于天然降雨,水深4寸左右,未发现枯心苗。而其它浅水晚稻田,虽然在8月12日打了一次6%六六六,枯心率仍然有0.18—0.85%,没有打药防治的枯心率达2.08—34.27%。 August 7-8, 1965, August 13-14 is the second generation of the third generation of yellow rice borer in Yongxiu County peak period, during this time, the use of short-term deep irrigation seedling, played a significant role in the control of borer . Our fifth production team in Hehuan Brigade of the Jiuhe Commune made use of the adjacent fields of the two mounds. Early rice Lintang had already been harvested. On July 26, two-nights glutinous rice (variety Dahongpao) was planted and the area was about 4 mu. One of the Qiutian low-lying, from August 8 to start about 5 inches of irrigation, immersed seedling leaf sheath mouth; the other hill higher, irrigation 1.5 inches. The density of eggs in two fields is over 1,000 per acre. August 20 inspection results: shallow paddy withered heart rate as high as 24.30%, deep-water seedling nursery heart rate dropped to 3.22%. At the same time, we carried out a field survey in the model team of the county (the brigade of the commune under the triangle). For example, the ninth production team has more than 10 mu of double-breed (oil-like sticky clay), and on August 9-10, due to natural rainfall, Inch or so, did not find dead seedlings. The other shallow late rice fields, although hit once on August 12 6% BHC, still 0.18-0.85% withered heart rate, there is no prevention and treatment of dead heart rate of 2.08-34.27%.
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