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乡村的夏天,不同于城里,有着迷人的色彩。清晨,红艳艳的朝阳冉冉升起,犹如一炉沸腾的钢水,放射出万缕金光。整个山村沐浴在朝阳的霞光里,显得格外清新。勤劳的乡邻吆喝着牛儿,身披着晨光,肩扛着锄头,开始了一天的劳作。洒下的是汗水,收获的是希望……中午,烈日当头,火球似的太阳炙烤着大地,天地之间犹如一个巨大的蒸笼。这时的乡村,却用不着担心。松柏、竹林成了遮阳的伞,草地就是那柔软 Rural summer, different from the city, has a charming color. In the early morning, the bright sunrise of the red rose like a boiled molten steel, emitting thousands of golden lights. The whole mountain village bathed in the rising sun, it is particularly fresh. The industrious neighbors shouted oxen, dressed in the morning light, shoulders carrying hoes, began a day of work. Is the sweat shed, the harvest is hope ... ... noon, the sun burst, the fire-like sun roasted the earth, between heaven and earth like a huge steamer. At this time the village, but do not need to worry about. Pine and cypress, bamboo became a shade umbrella, the grass is that soft
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Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma(HSTCL) is a rare nonHodgkin lymphoma with a high mortality rate. Higher incidence is reported in patients with inflammatory bowel
好多年以前,广东新会县天马河一带的动物们为了建设美好家园,搞起了造林比赛。  大象、斑马、水牛、棕熊等都分别栽起了水杉、泡桐、木棉、马尾松等容易成林的树种,而且分别栽了好多棵。  惟独金丝猴没有栽这些树种,而且只栽了一棵榕树。  “哈哈哈,独木不成林,”大象大笑着问金丝猴:“您栽了这一棵树,怎么能成林啊?”  “是啊,”没见过榕树的斑马、水牛和棕熊也问金丝猴,“您是不是为了省力省事儿啊?”  金丝