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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
Raw poultry and poultry products are a significant source of zoonotic bacterial pathogen transmission;thus the sensitive detection of major zoonotic pathogens (
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria continue to be of major health concern world-wide. Thus, it is of great interest to study the biological properties and determine
Background: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease with an estimated 1.45 million deaths every year. Many patients get infected as a result of ignorance of the r
目的:双酚A(Bisphenol A, BPA)是一种典型的环境内分泌干扰物,主要应用于食品包装行业和牙科,如用于生产聚碳酸酯和无数塑料制品,包括光盘,食品内衬,热(传真)纸,安全帽,粘合剂,粉末涂料等
1 病例资料男,22岁,未婚.因呕吐伴中腹部阵发性胀痛,每日1次暗红色血尿3天,于2000年5月17日急诊入院.查体:体温37℃,脉搏160/min,血压75/50 mmHg.意识清楚,重度贫血貌,皮肤粘
Globally, Rotavirus is the common major etiologic agents of diarrhea in infant, young children and neonatal calves. It is very important to early diagnose the d
The population and diversity of fungal species and levels of aflatoxin contamination were investigated in 228 marketed peanut samples;140 from formal and 88 fro
The study of the paper about the rhizosphere in the transformation of nitrogen compounds can generate knowledge of the microbial and biochemical atmosphere of t