调整黄金产业结构 加强金矿地质工作

来源 :中国地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yupucn
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一、在治理整顿中调整好黄金产业党中央和国务院决定,今后两年经济工作的重点放在治理经济环境、整顿经济秩序和全面深化改革上,这事实上是一次新的调整.从全国来看,黄金产业属于短线,是要发展的,应利用这两年的时间,进一步搞好调整,使黄金产业能够上一个新的台阶,为国家的社会主义建设做出新的贡献.在治理经济环境、整顿经济秩序、全面深化改革中.发展黄金产业具有特殊的意义.发展黄金生产,既可以为国家增加黄金储备和外汇收入,有利于增加国家的 1. Adjusting the Gold Industry in the Process of Rectifying and Improving Industry The Party Central Committee and the State Council have decided that the focus of the economic work in the next two years will be on managing the economic environment, rectifying the economic order and comprehensively deepening reforms. This is in fact a new adjustment. Look, the gold industry is a short-term, it is necessary to develop, it should take advantage of these two years to further improve the adjustment, so that the gold industry can take a new level and make new contributions to the country’s socialist construction. In the governance of the economy Environment, rectification of economic order, and comprehensive deepening of reforms. The development of the gold industry has special significance. The development of gold production can not only increase the country’s gold reserves and foreign exchange earnings, but also increase the country’s
目前我国先后从瑞典引进三条岩棉生产线,分别建在北京、南京和哈尔滨,年生产能力5~6万吨。根据国家建材局预测,我国到1990年需要量将为每年10万吨,2000年需 At present, Chi
一种中小型振动机械良好的激振源——YZO系列振动电机,由临海电机厂研制成功,并已由浙江省科委委托台州地区科委组织通过鉴定。 A YZO series vibration motor with a good
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