改革卫生产权制度 试行股份联合体制

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在卫生改革的推动下,我区农村卫生事业稳步发展,基本能保障广大群众的基本医疗需求,形成了可持续发展的格局。我区地委、行署还出台了几条加强农村卫生工作的新政策:一是在领导体制上,乡设卫生办公室,村设公共卫生委员会;二是在管理体制上,推行股份联合卫生院和防保相对独立体制,贫困乡由卫生局直接管理;三是在人事制度上,允许宣汉、万源在贫困山区就地从高分到低分录取学生,允许从乡村医生中招收技术骨干,允许技术、管理骨干农转非,工转干;四是在经费投入上,各级财政按农业人口每年0.5元投入。经努力,目前已有农村区(中心)卫生院66个,乡镇 Under the impetus of health reform, the steady development of rural public health in our district basically ensured the basic medical needs of the broad masses and formed a pattern of sustainable development. My district prefectural and administrative offices also issued several new policies to strengthen rural health work: First, in the leadership system, the township health office and the village set up a public health committee; the second is the management system, the implementation of joint stock hospitals and Thirdly, on the personnel system, Xuanhan and Wanyuan are allowed to admit students from high scores to low scores on the spot in poor mountainous areas, and the technical backbone is allowed to be recruited from rural doctors. In the meantime, Allowing technology and management of key peasants and peasants to work non-productively will result in a shift from work to work. Fourthly, at the input of funding, all levels of government shall invest 0.5 yuan per year in the agricultural population. After hard work, there are 66 rural areas (centers) hospitals and towns
青海城乡居民健身模式九个主要方面均表现出地域和民族特色 ,为职能部门和社会各界推动全民健身活动提供参考 Qinghai urban and rural residents in nine major aspects of
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