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在商品社会,财富不等于幸福,却是幸福的“媒婆”。一个人生来就得追求和创造财富,人生的意义和人生的幸福就在于创造精神和物质的财富。财富本身就在于创造,一个失去创造财富能力的人,才是真正的“废人”。财富是什么?财富不光是金钱,也不光是物质。在高度发达的现代社会,财富更是心智,财富更是力量,财富更是智慧和魄力的结晶,财富是物质和精神的高度统一!有的人的财富装在脑袋里,有的人的财富装在口袋里,能让财富装满脑袋又能从口袋掏出财富的人才是真正的富翁。财富可以继承和转让,但财富的源头无法继承,也无法转让。财富的源头是心智,有心智的人,赤手空拳也可以创造财富。很多年前,一则小消息平静地传播在人们之间,美国穿越大西洋底的一根电报电缆因破损需要更换,这时,一位不起眼的珠宝店老板却没有等闲视之,他几乎十万火急,毅然买下了这根报废的电缆。没有人知道小老板的企图:“他 In a commodity society, wealth is not equal to happiness, but it is a happy matchmaker. A person has to pursue and create wealth. The meaning of life and the happiness of life lies in the creation of spiritual and material wealth. Wealth itself lies in the creation. A person who has lost the ability to create wealth is the real “waste man”. What is wealth? Wealth is not only money, but also material. In a highly developed modern society, wealth is the mind, wealth is the strength, wealth is the crystallization of wisdom and courage, wealth is the material and spiritual unity! Some people’s wealth is in the head, some people’s wealth. In a pocket, a person who can make money full of heads and pockets of wealth is a real rich man. Wealth can be inherited and transferred, but the source of wealth cannot be inherited or transferred. The source of wealth is the mind, the person with the mind, and the creation of wealth by bare hands. Many years ago, a small message spread peacefully among people. When a cable from the United States crossed the bottom of the Atlantic, it needed to be replaced due to damage. At this time, an obscure jewellery store owner did not wait to see it. He was almost rushed. , resolutely bought this scrapped cable. No one knows the small boss’s attempt: ”he
在澳大利亚发生了一则袋鼠“路路”(Lulu)救主人的感人故事,但是让笔者感动的,除了故事本身之外,以下一句也让我感动不已:…called forLulu to be nominated(提名,推荐)for i
At the 12th China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) held on September 8-11 in Xiamen, Fujian Province, government officials and entrepreneurs
2008青岛工艺礼品展将于9月4日~7日在青岛国际会展中心隆重开幕,本届展会参展产品以高品位、新时尚、多样式为特点;涵盖了商务礼品、馈赠礼品、古典工艺、书画艺 The 2008 Qi